Penganiayaan merupakan masalah sering terjadi baik di tengah-tengah masyarakat dan di lingkup keluarga. Tindakan penganiayaan yaitu salah satu kejahatan yang seiring bejalannya berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Salah satu contohnya dapat dilihat dari pelakunya yang bukan hanya orang dewasa tetapi juga tidak di pungkiri dilakukan oleh anak-anak, pelakunya bukan hanya orang lain namun dapat terjadi di di lingkungan keluarga. Pokok permasalahan dalam penilitian ini adalah tentang 1). Bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim terhadap putusan Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang penganiayaan anak terhadap orang tuanya? 2). Bagaimana analisis fiqih jinayah terhadap pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang tindak pidana pengan...
Children are a State asset that is the nation's successor, so the State is obliged to protect and en...
The problem raised or the purpose of this research is to find out how the concept of legal responsib...
Current violations of the law are very unfavorable for the community. Due to certain factors, the in...
Cases of crime in children often occur, even the number of crimes is increasing year by year. With t...
Children is that of Allah swt which exists to the world is on the nothing but (pure children as the ...
Abstract: According to the Islamic Criminal Law, the crime of child murder by parents is an act whic...
Children should live a life that is safe and comfortable with their parents and nanny. But the fact ...
Settingthe crime ofincestis inArticle 46of Act No.23/2004 onthe Elimination ofDomestic ViolenceandAr...
Children are the future of the nation and religion. If we or the nation want to have a better future...
Dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kepanjen Nomor 1/Pid.Sus- Anak/2020/PN.KPn, hakim menganggap bahwa k...
Narcotic crime is a crime in society occur where the perpetrators are not only adults, but also chi...
This study aimed to analyze imprisonment for children who were perpetrators of terrorism crimes and ...
Children as young generation is a potential successor to the ideals of national struggle. The child ...
Children are part of the younger generation who are the successors of the ideals of the nation's str...
This research is intended to review “Criminal Imposition of Children in the Indonesian Child Crimina...
Children are a State asset that is the nation's successor, so the State is obliged to protect and en...
The problem raised or the purpose of this research is to find out how the concept of legal responsib...
Current violations of the law are very unfavorable for the community. Due to certain factors, the in...
Cases of crime in children often occur, even the number of crimes is increasing year by year. With t...
Children is that of Allah swt which exists to the world is on the nothing but (pure children as the ...
Abstract: According to the Islamic Criminal Law, the crime of child murder by parents is an act whic...
Children should live a life that is safe and comfortable with their parents and nanny. But the fact ...
Settingthe crime ofincestis inArticle 46of Act No.23/2004 onthe Elimination ofDomestic ViolenceandAr...
Children are the future of the nation and religion. If we or the nation want to have a better future...
Dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kepanjen Nomor 1/Pid.Sus- Anak/2020/PN.KPn, hakim menganggap bahwa k...
Narcotic crime is a crime in society occur where the perpetrators are not only adults, but also chi...
This study aimed to analyze imprisonment for children who were perpetrators of terrorism crimes and ...
Children as young generation is a potential successor to the ideals of national struggle. The child ...
Children are part of the younger generation who are the successors of the ideals of the nation's str...
This research is intended to review “Criminal Imposition of Children in the Indonesian Child Crimina...
Children are a State asset that is the nation's successor, so the State is obliged to protect and en...
The problem raised or the purpose of this research is to find out how the concept of legal responsib...
Current violations of the law are very unfavorable for the community. Due to certain factors, the in...