U ovom radu problem rasizma sagledati će se kroz kulturu i umjetnička djela koja se bave ovom tematikom. Naglasak je na filmu Bježi redatelja Jordana Peelea koji je snimljen 2017. godine. Film spade u horror-triler žanr i kroz njega je ispričana priča mladog Afroamerikanca koji se suočava s problemima rasne diskriminacije u svakodnevnim situacijama. Događaji iz filma sagledani su i kroz sociološku perspektivu. Kroz rad najčešće se spominju djela i citati W.E.B. Du Boisa kao prvog visoko obrazovanog Afroamerikanca i jednog od najpoznatijih sociologa koji se bavi rasom. Njegova djela uspoređena su sa situacijama iz filma. Iako su djela Du Boisa od filma starija i više od stoljeća, vrlo je zanimljivo primjetiti sličnosti iz filmskih dijaloga i...
Race is a complex term and its representation is determining for the positive or negative effects wh...
Through the film "Get Out", the message of racism is shown to demonstrate the evolving behavior of h...
Race and its representation in the media have been the center of attention among many scholars and a...
This paper deals with the portrayal of racial issues in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out. Racial i...
Diplomsko delo temelji na semiotični analizi filma Get Out (2017) izpod režiserske taktirke Jordana ...
The bachelor thesis deals with racial issues in the USA. The theoretical part aims to capture how ra...
The topic of this thesis is a description of the social problem of discrimination of Afro- Americans...
Rasa je narativni sistem, pri katerem je vizualna predstavitev ključnega pomena. Ker družba rasne ka...
Many messages can be carried by a film media, one of which is the message of racism. "Get Out" is a ...
Representations of race have been modified throughout the history as slavery was abolished and as ma...
Rad istražuje medijsku reprezentaciju rase i etniciteta u animiranim filmovima koje je Disney kompan...
The diploma thesis deals with theme of racism and its narrative representation in art. It consists o...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá emancipačním bojem Afroameričanů ve 20. století a jeho zobrazením v ...
U radu se daju pregled i analiza reprezentacije samskog naroda na skandinavskom filmu u kontekstu ...
Mūsdienu sabiedrības sastāvā ietilpst dažādu tautību un rases cilvēki un ne vienmēr šīs sabiedrības ...
Race is a complex term and its representation is determining for the positive or negative effects wh...
Through the film "Get Out", the message of racism is shown to demonstrate the evolving behavior of h...
Race and its representation in the media have been the center of attention among many scholars and a...
This paper deals with the portrayal of racial issues in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out. Racial i...
Diplomsko delo temelji na semiotični analizi filma Get Out (2017) izpod režiserske taktirke Jordana ...
The bachelor thesis deals with racial issues in the USA. The theoretical part aims to capture how ra...
The topic of this thesis is a description of the social problem of discrimination of Afro- Americans...
Rasa je narativni sistem, pri katerem je vizualna predstavitev ključnega pomena. Ker družba rasne ka...
Many messages can be carried by a film media, one of which is the message of racism. "Get Out" is a ...
Representations of race have been modified throughout the history as slavery was abolished and as ma...
Rad istražuje medijsku reprezentaciju rase i etniciteta u animiranim filmovima koje je Disney kompan...
The diploma thesis deals with theme of racism and its narrative representation in art. It consists o...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá emancipačním bojem Afroameričanů ve 20. století a jeho zobrazením v ...
U radu se daju pregled i analiza reprezentacije samskog naroda na skandinavskom filmu u kontekstu ...
Mūsdienu sabiedrības sastāvā ietilpst dažādu tautību un rases cilvēki un ne vienmēr šīs sabiedrības ...
Race is a complex term and its representation is determining for the positive or negative effects wh...
Through the film "Get Out", the message of racism is shown to demonstrate the evolving behavior of h...
Race and its representation in the media have been the center of attention among many scholars and a...