Diplomsko delo temelji na semiotični analizi filma Get Out (2017) izpod režiserske taktirke Jordana Peeleja. S semiotično analizo in s pomočjo sekundarnih virov sem raziskala, kako Jordan Peele v filmu Get Out prikaže obstanek fizičnih in psiholoških ran suženjstva v Združenih državah Amerike po Obamovem mandatu. Glavni namen naloge je orisati realnost, ki jo v ZDA doživljajo temnopolti v obdobju barvno slepega rasizma in “post-rasne” laži, ko so belci in črnci enakovredni le navidezno. V teoretskem delu se osredotočam na teorije semiotike, filmskega jezika in reprezentacije temnopoltih v žanru grozljivke. Sledijo ikonografija analiziranega filma in semiotična analiza elementov mizanscene in motivov filma ter podrobnejša analiza stereotipa ...
Poster film adalah sebuah media periklanan cetak untuk peluncuran debut film. Selain itu, berfungsi...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu porównanie postaw społecznych w Stanach Zjednoczonych wobec Afroamerykanó...
Rad donosi semiotičku analizu filma Stanleya Kubricka, 2001:Odiseja u svemiru, kako bi se prikazala ...
Through the film "Get Out", the message of racism is shown to demonstrate the evolving behavior of h...
U ovom radu problem rasizma sagledati će se kroz kulturu i umjetnička djela koja se bave ovom temati...
Many messages can be carried by a film media, one of which is the message of racism. "Get Out" is a ...
This research aims to find out the modern human slavery in the Get Out (2017) film from white people...
This paper deals with the portrayal of racial issues in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out. Racial i...
Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la película Get Out (Déjame Salir), y en como a través de u...
Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abi...
Darba tēma ir „Neprāta atainojums filmās: semiotiskā analīze”. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, kādi f...
This ideological analysis of the horror film, Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele investigates three m...
Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abi...
12 Years A Slave is a historical film that tells of the journey of a black man named Solomon North...
In award-winning films, themes surrounding race and ethnicity are typically avoided unless regarded ...
Poster film adalah sebuah media periklanan cetak untuk peluncuran debut film. Selain itu, berfungsi...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu porównanie postaw społecznych w Stanach Zjednoczonych wobec Afroamerykanó...
Rad donosi semiotičku analizu filma Stanleya Kubricka, 2001:Odiseja u svemiru, kako bi se prikazala ...
Through the film "Get Out", the message of racism is shown to demonstrate the evolving behavior of h...
U ovom radu problem rasizma sagledati će se kroz kulturu i umjetnička djela koja se bave ovom temati...
Many messages can be carried by a film media, one of which is the message of racism. "Get Out" is a ...
This research aims to find out the modern human slavery in the Get Out (2017) film from white people...
This paper deals with the portrayal of racial issues in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out. Racial i...
Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la película Get Out (Déjame Salir), y en como a través de u...
Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abi...
Darba tēma ir „Neprāta atainojums filmās: semiotiskā analīze”. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, kādi f...
This ideological analysis of the horror film, Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele investigates three m...
Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abi...
12 Years A Slave is a historical film that tells of the journey of a black man named Solomon North...
In award-winning films, themes surrounding race and ethnicity are typically avoided unless regarded ...
Poster film adalah sebuah media periklanan cetak untuk peluncuran debut film. Selain itu, berfungsi...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu porównanie postaw społecznych w Stanach Zjednoczonych wobec Afroamerykanó...
Rad donosi semiotičku analizu filma Stanleya Kubricka, 2001:Odiseja u svemiru, kako bi se prikazala ...