MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareDeguna dobums, ko izklāj deguna gļotāda, ir nozīmīga cilvēka elpošanas sistēmas daļa. Tomēr nav pētījumu, kuru mērķis būtu noteikt veselas un normāli funkcionējošas deguna gļotādas molekulāro fenotipu, lai izprastu tās fizioloģiju, augšanas un iekaisuma procesus. Tādējādi mūsu mērķis ir identificēt cilvēka veselas deguna gļotādas citokīnus, neiropeptīdus saturošu inervāciju un šūnu proliferācijas marķierus. Pētījumā tika iekļauts ķirurģiskais materiāls no 17 veseliem cilvēkiem. Biotīna-streptavidīna imūnhistoķīmija tika veikta audu PGP9.5, Ki-67, β-defensīna 2, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 noteikšanai. Rezultāti tika novērtēti daļēji kvantitatīvi un ar Frīdmena ANOVA un Spīrmena diapa...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interleukin (IL)-lbeta is one of proinflammatory cytokines with an active...
There are two clinical subtypes of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS): chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal p...
The nasal cavity lined by nasal mucosa, is a significant part of respiratory system of human. Howeve...
Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Background and Objecti...
Background and Objectives: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a condition that affects as much as 10.9%...
The overall objectives of this thesis are: one, characterize the expression of mucin at baseline hum...
La rinitis alérgica es una enfermedad inflamatoria de la mucosa nasal causada por una reacción de hi...
Little is known about the regulatory effects of cytokines on various nasal secretions in normal huma...
SummaryNeuropeptides are important neurotransmitters in nasal physiology and the increasing knowledg...
CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that MUC8 protein is expressed in ciliated cells from human nasal ...
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Highlights: What are the main findings? Cytokines are fou...
Background and Purpose: The mucociliary function of the sinonasal mucosa is an innate defense mechan...
Os neuropeptídeos são neurotransmissores relevantes na fisiologia nasal e o conhecimento crescente a...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interleukin (IL)-lbeta is one of proinflammatory cytokines with an active...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interleukin (IL)-lbeta is one of proinflammatory cytokines with an active...
There are two clinical subtypes of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS): chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal p...
The nasal cavity lined by nasal mucosa, is a significant part of respiratory system of human. Howeve...
Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Background and Objecti...
Background and Objectives: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a condition that affects as much as 10.9%...
The overall objectives of this thesis are: one, characterize the expression of mucin at baseline hum...
La rinitis alérgica es una enfermedad inflamatoria de la mucosa nasal causada por una reacción de hi...
Little is known about the regulatory effects of cytokines on various nasal secretions in normal huma...
SummaryNeuropeptides are important neurotransmitters in nasal physiology and the increasing knowledg...
CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that MUC8 protein is expressed in ciliated cells from human nasal ...
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Highlights: What are the main findings? Cytokines are fou...
Background and Purpose: The mucociliary function of the sinonasal mucosa is an innate defense mechan...
Os neuropeptídeos são neurotransmissores relevantes na fisiologia nasal e o conhecimento crescente a...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interleukin (IL)-lbeta is one of proinflammatory cytokines with an active...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interleukin (IL)-lbeta is one of proinflammatory cytokines with an active...
There are two clinical subtypes of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS): chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal p...