Canal Street in New York City, notorious for the exchange of counterfeit goods, lies at the top of the list of places subject to police raids. Sellers in the area boast fake versions of high-end designer products, including purses, perfumes, and watches. Although Canal Street vendors are still arrested for counterfeiting, in recent years consumers more frequently buy counterfeit goods on the internet. Counterfeiting is the practice of manufacturing and exchanging products that are branded to appear like their authentic counterparts but are not genuine. The scope of counterfeit goods goes far beyond luxury items to include products from multiple industries. E-commerce, meaning commercial transactions that take place online, has only increas...
In the last two decades, the overall activity of the counterfeit market has expanded and risen 10,00...
Customers tend towards second-hand branded products with motivations in a broad spectrum ranging fro...
The authors study the positive and normative effects of counterfeiting, i.e., trademark infringement...
Canal Street in New York City, notorious for the exchange of counterfeit goods, lies at the top of t...
In the past few decades, luxury brand counterfeiting has grown significantly worldwide, and this gro...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
In today's globalized economy, we cannot live without imported products. Most people do not realize ...
Product counterfeiting is a form of consumer fraud: a product is sold, purporting to be something th...
The advent of e-commerce marketplaces such as Alibaba and Amazon in the new millennium has led to th...
The purchase of luxury counterfeits online has developed into a serious challenge for managers prote...
The counterfeiting industry continues to grow worldwide, valued today at $461 billion according to t...
The prevalence of counterfeit products throughout the world has greatly increased over the course of...
The Internet has revolutionized the way consumers shop: available 24/7 from any location worldwide t...
In the last two decades, the overall activity of the counterfeit market has expanded and risen 10,00...
Customers tend towards second-hand branded products with motivations in a broad spectrum ranging fro...
The authors study the positive and normative effects of counterfeiting, i.e., trademark infringement...
Canal Street in New York City, notorious for the exchange of counterfeit goods, lies at the top of t...
In the past few decades, luxury brand counterfeiting has grown significantly worldwide, and this gro...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
In today's globalized economy, we cannot live without imported products. Most people do not realize ...
Product counterfeiting is a form of consumer fraud: a product is sold, purporting to be something th...
The advent of e-commerce marketplaces such as Alibaba and Amazon in the new millennium has led to th...
The purchase of luxury counterfeits online has developed into a serious challenge for managers prote...
The counterfeiting industry continues to grow worldwide, valued today at $461 billion according to t...
The prevalence of counterfeit products throughout the world has greatly increased over the course of...
The Internet has revolutionized the way consumers shop: available 24/7 from any location worldwide t...
In the last two decades, the overall activity of the counterfeit market has expanded and risen 10,00...
Customers tend towards second-hand branded products with motivations in a broad spectrum ranging fro...
The authors study the positive and normative effects of counterfeiting, i.e., trademark infringement...