168 HalamanBanyaknya perkara-perkara pencurian dengan nilai barang yang kecil, yang kini diadili di pengadilan cukup menjadi sorotan masyarakat. Masyarakat umumnya menilai bahwa sangatlah tidak adil jika perkara-perkara tersebut diancam dengan ancaman hukuman 5 (lima) tahun sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 362 KUHP, oleh karenanya tidak sebanding dengan nilai barang yang dicurinya. Tentu hal tersebut akan berdampak pada rasa percaya masyarakat kepada hukum Indonesia, kepercayaan masyarakat akan semakin luntur, mengingat pemberian pidana terhadap pelaku sangat bertentangan dengan nilai keadilan. Masih banyak yang harus diperhatikan dan dibenahi dalam penjatuhan sanksi hukum pidana, mengingat hukum pidana adalah upaya terakhir dalam penegakan h...
AbstractChanges in the Criminal Code have now been changed according to conditions and situations. A...
The purpose of the study, this research is to find answers to two related questions about the Juridi...
ABSTRAK Penyesuaian Batas Tindak Pidana Dan Jumlah Denda Terhadap suatu perkara kejahatan berdasarka...
Abstract: Compliance of the Limitation of Minor Crimes and the Amount of Fines in Criminal Code towa...
: Compliance of the Limitation of Minor Crimes and the Amount of Fines in Criminal Code towards Stea...
The number of cases of theft to the value of small items that are now on trial in the court quite go...
This study aims to determine the position and the application of criminal penalties in accordance wi...
The crime of theft especially theft with is the value losses is not more than Rp.2.500.000,- (two m...
Many small cases reach the court because of the Article in the Criminal Code which mentions minor t...
Efforts and policies to create a good rule of criminal law in essence can not be separated from the ...
This study aims to identify and describe law enforcement against minor theft crimes based on Perma N...
84 HalamanPenelitian ini membahas mengenai dasar yuridis yang digunakan hakim dalam penjatuhan vonis...
ABSTRACTIn the law enforcement process that is based on criminal law and criminal procedural law, wh...
Indonesian Criminal Law is currently a legacy from the Dutch East Indies Government which has been a...
Writing a thesis entitled "Study of Judicial Against Crime Theft Under 2.5 Million Dollar Culprit No...
AbstractChanges in the Criminal Code have now been changed according to conditions and situations. A...
The purpose of the study, this research is to find answers to two related questions about the Juridi...
ABSTRAK Penyesuaian Batas Tindak Pidana Dan Jumlah Denda Terhadap suatu perkara kejahatan berdasarka...
Abstract: Compliance of the Limitation of Minor Crimes and the Amount of Fines in Criminal Code towa...
: Compliance of the Limitation of Minor Crimes and the Amount of Fines in Criminal Code towards Stea...
The number of cases of theft to the value of small items that are now on trial in the court quite go...
This study aims to determine the position and the application of criminal penalties in accordance wi...
The crime of theft especially theft with is the value losses is not more than Rp.2.500.000,- (two m...
Many small cases reach the court because of the Article in the Criminal Code which mentions minor t...
Efforts and policies to create a good rule of criminal law in essence can not be separated from the ...
This study aims to identify and describe law enforcement against minor theft crimes based on Perma N...
84 HalamanPenelitian ini membahas mengenai dasar yuridis yang digunakan hakim dalam penjatuhan vonis...
ABSTRACTIn the law enforcement process that is based on criminal law and criminal procedural law, wh...
Indonesian Criminal Law is currently a legacy from the Dutch East Indies Government which has been a...
Writing a thesis entitled "Study of Judicial Against Crime Theft Under 2.5 Million Dollar Culprit No...
AbstractChanges in the Criminal Code have now been changed according to conditions and situations. A...
The purpose of the study, this research is to find answers to two related questions about the Juridi...
ABSTRAK Penyesuaian Batas Tindak Pidana Dan Jumlah Denda Terhadap suatu perkara kejahatan berdasarka...