Rezumat Printarea 3D reprezintă o tehnologie a viitorului care permite laboratorului de tehnică dentară confecţionarea prin procedee aditive a unor lucrări protetice cu geometrie spaţială complexă. Printerul 3D multimaterial propulsează procedeele de confecţionare aditivă a lucrărilor protetice la un nivel superior deoarece permite realizarea diverselor componente ale acestora mai simplu și mai rapid, reducând și preţul de cost. Printarea 3D a demonstrat de asemenea avantajul unei flexibilităţi nelimitate de design, al elaborării într-o singură etapă a unor lucrări protetice de mare complexitate structurală, prin prelucrarea fișierelor în format STL, și capacitatea de includere în fluxul tehnologic digital tip chairside. Valoarea rest...
The rise of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has changed the face of dentistry over the pa...
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a method for which a material (such asthe plastic, metal, ceramic...
Manufacture of 3D objects is of most extreme significance in different medical fields counting denti...
Proces 3D ispisa podrazumijeva stvaranje objekta sloj po sloj u 3D printeru. Naspram suptraktivne p...
Tema ovog rada je „Unaprjeđenje procesa 3D ispisa za potrebe dentalne protetike“. U radu su navedene...
Napretkom tehnologije i digitalizacijom dentalne medicine razvile su se nove tehnike proizvodnje met...
Despite being in use for a relatively long period of time, 3D printing technology, also known as add...
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing method in which a 3D item is formed by ...
3D printing was hailed as a technology that would change the development of dentistry. 3D printing i...
3D gradnja pojam je koji označava izradu trodimenzionalnog objekta prethodno dizajniranog CAD progra...
Popular media now often present 3D printing as a widely employed technology for the production of de...
Dentistry is amidst a digital revolution and patients are the definitive recipients of these innovat...
Impressoras 3D fabricam objetos usados em diversas especialidades da odontologia. Objetivo: Esta rev...
Researchers all over the world are very busy developing 3D printers that we will be able to use for ...
Razvoj digitalnih tehnologija utječe i na stomatologiju. Digitalne tehnologije se sve češće koriste ...
The rise of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has changed the face of dentistry over the pa...
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a method for which a material (such asthe plastic, metal, ceramic...
Manufacture of 3D objects is of most extreme significance in different medical fields counting denti...
Proces 3D ispisa podrazumijeva stvaranje objekta sloj po sloj u 3D printeru. Naspram suptraktivne p...
Tema ovog rada je „Unaprjeđenje procesa 3D ispisa za potrebe dentalne protetike“. U radu su navedene...
Napretkom tehnologije i digitalizacijom dentalne medicine razvile su se nove tehnike proizvodnje met...
Despite being in use for a relatively long period of time, 3D printing technology, also known as add...
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing method in which a 3D item is formed by ...
3D printing was hailed as a technology that would change the development of dentistry. 3D printing i...
3D gradnja pojam je koji označava izradu trodimenzionalnog objekta prethodno dizajniranog CAD progra...
Popular media now often present 3D printing as a widely employed technology for the production of de...
Dentistry is amidst a digital revolution and patients are the definitive recipients of these innovat...
Impressoras 3D fabricam objetos usados em diversas especialidades da odontologia. Objetivo: Esta rev...
Researchers all over the world are very busy developing 3D printers that we will be able to use for ...
Razvoj digitalnih tehnologija utječe i na stomatologiju. Digitalne tehnologije se sve češće koriste ...
The rise of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has changed the face of dentistry over the pa...
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a method for which a material (such asthe plastic, metal, ceramic...
Manufacture of 3D objects is of most extreme significance in different medical fields counting denti...