The article discusses the possibilities of different tests results comparisons. The issue of correct compare of different tests results raises in relation of analysis of tests results for different years and in a number of other cases. These results could not be compared directly, without some adjustments. The article presents the approach to make tests results with different parameters of distribution comparable. The suggested approach based on the assumption that the level of students’ knowledge in different subjects are more or less equal and differences in parameters of tests results distributions arise due to instruments and differences in testing scaling. Suggested scheme of using statistical methods allow to eliminate these differenc...
Тригуб, О. В. Поняття та кваліфікація тестових завдань / О. В. Тригуб // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Микол...
The paper is devoted to the performance and robustness analysis of sequential testing of simple hypo...
This article deals with monitoring and evaluation of students’ knowledge by means of score-rating sy...
The article discusses the possibilities of different tests results comparisons. The issue of correct...
The authors of the current article used distributions of the sum score of Russian unified state exam...
У статті розкрито зміст поняття кваліметричних вимірювань в освіті. Схарактеризовано алгоритм, проце...
There is diagnostics in the article, which defined peculiarities of forming of activity’s components...
У роботi подано огляд найбiльш розповсюджених методiв варiювання вибiрки: коротко наведенi їх формул...
Ковач, Звонко (2011), Међукњижевне расправе – Поредбена и/или интеркултурна повијест књижевности, Бе...
It is suggested in the articleto calculate express rating and time rating ofthe study objects accord...
The article analyses the research of methods of testing the quality of student learning. Analysis of...
The article presents a version of the rating system of evaluation of educational achievements of stu...
Abstract: В статье изложена методика сравнительного анализа методов расчета индексов цен, ...
Omelyanyuk Alexander Mikhailovich, Vakulskaya Olga Alexandrovna. Methodological instructions for the...
The article suggests probabilistic analysis model tests, which provide an opportunity to assess the ...
Тригуб, О. В. Поняття та кваліфікація тестових завдань / О. В. Тригуб // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Микол...
The paper is devoted to the performance and robustness analysis of sequential testing of simple hypo...
This article deals with monitoring and evaluation of students’ knowledge by means of score-rating sy...
The article discusses the possibilities of different tests results comparisons. The issue of correct...
The authors of the current article used distributions of the sum score of Russian unified state exam...
У статті розкрито зміст поняття кваліметричних вимірювань в освіті. Схарактеризовано алгоритм, проце...
There is diagnostics in the article, which defined peculiarities of forming of activity’s components...
У роботi подано огляд найбiльш розповсюджених методiв варiювання вибiрки: коротко наведенi їх формул...
Ковач, Звонко (2011), Међукњижевне расправе – Поредбена и/или интеркултурна повијест књижевности, Бе...
It is suggested in the articleto calculate express rating and time rating ofthe study objects accord...
The article analyses the research of methods of testing the quality of student learning. Analysis of...
The article presents a version of the rating system of evaluation of educational achievements of stu...
Abstract: В статье изложена методика сравнительного анализа методов расчета индексов цен, ...
Omelyanyuk Alexander Mikhailovich, Vakulskaya Olga Alexandrovna. Methodological instructions for the...
The article suggests probabilistic analysis model tests, which provide an opportunity to assess the ...
Тригуб, О. В. Поняття та кваліфікація тестових завдань / О. В. Тригуб // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Микол...
The paper is devoted to the performance and robustness analysis of sequential testing of simple hypo...
This article deals with monitoring and evaluation of students’ knowledge by means of score-rating sy...