Summary: • Pupil pathways o Afferent pathway: light in o Efferent pathway: motor response • Classic diagram: eyeballs -> optic nerve -> chiasm o Before geniculate body, pupil fibers come off optic tract, go to dorsal midbrain syndrome • Dorsal membrane centers: o Control pupil efferent pathway o Edinger-Wesphal nucleus of cranial nerve 3 -> carry pathway through postsynaptic postganglionic fiber from ciliary ganglion away from pupil o Afferent signal: retinal ganglion cells in retina -> optic nerve -> temporal fiber (uncrossed) -> nasal fibers (crossed) -> pupil fibers from the optic tract -> pre-tectal nuclei in dorsal midbrain -> efferent pathway of cranial nerve 3 • Detecting afferent pathway problems o Relative afferent pupil defect: > ...
Examination of the pupils is an essential part of the afferent ystem evaluation. Pupil size for each...
Introduction to neuro-ophthalmology, covering the optic nerve, the afferent visual system (eye to br...
Anatomy: Iris Structure, Light-reflex pathway, Supranuclear Influences, Ocular sympathetic pathways ...
Summary: • Pupil pathways o Afferent pathway: light in o Efferent pathway: motor response • Classic ...
Summary: ¬Light near dissociation o Afferent component = retina + optic nerve + chiasm + tract to ge...
A bright light is shone in one eye, light enters the pupil and hyperpolarizes retinal photoreceptors...
The oculosympathetic tract is an uncrossed pathway that begins in the hypothalamus, with fibers desc...
All neural impulses that reach the sphincter of the pupil travel via a preganglionic parasympathetic...
Pupil dilation is mediated by a sympathetic output acting in opposition to parasympathetically media...
Anatomy of the pupillary light reflex pathway. (Miller NR: Walsh And Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmo...
OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and pupillographic features of patients with a relative afferent pup...
Pathophysiology of signs associated with a tonic pupil. Normally, all parasympathetic fibers of the ...
OBJECTIVE: To determine the percent decussation of pupil input fibers in humans and to explain the s...
This article explains how careful examination of the pupil light reflex can reveal valuable informat...
To quantify the afferent behavior of the pupillary light reflex in patients with unilateral midbrain...
Examination of the pupils is an essential part of the afferent ystem evaluation. Pupil size for each...
Introduction to neuro-ophthalmology, covering the optic nerve, the afferent visual system (eye to br...
Anatomy: Iris Structure, Light-reflex pathway, Supranuclear Influences, Ocular sympathetic pathways ...
Summary: • Pupil pathways o Afferent pathway: light in o Efferent pathway: motor response • Classic ...
Summary: ¬Light near dissociation o Afferent component = retina + optic nerve + chiasm + tract to ge...
A bright light is shone in one eye, light enters the pupil and hyperpolarizes retinal photoreceptors...
The oculosympathetic tract is an uncrossed pathway that begins in the hypothalamus, with fibers desc...
All neural impulses that reach the sphincter of the pupil travel via a preganglionic parasympathetic...
Pupil dilation is mediated by a sympathetic output acting in opposition to parasympathetically media...
Anatomy of the pupillary light reflex pathway. (Miller NR: Walsh And Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmo...
OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and pupillographic features of patients with a relative afferent pup...
Pathophysiology of signs associated with a tonic pupil. Normally, all parasympathetic fibers of the ...
OBJECTIVE: To determine the percent decussation of pupil input fibers in humans and to explain the s...
This article explains how careful examination of the pupil light reflex can reveal valuable informat...
To quantify the afferent behavior of the pupillary light reflex in patients with unilateral midbrain...
Examination of the pupils is an essential part of the afferent ystem evaluation. Pupil size for each...
Introduction to neuro-ophthalmology, covering the optic nerve, the afferent visual system (eye to br...
Anatomy: Iris Structure, Light-reflex pathway, Supranuclear Influences, Ocular sympathetic pathways ...