The Son of Man (2006) is the first film in the Jesus film genre with an entirely black cast, including the leading role of a black Jesus. Historically, the Jesus film genre has been produced by western filmmakers with a white cast in ancient film sets, portraying how the world of Jesus would have been in first century Palestine. Portrayals of Jesus are, thus, typically portrayed as a white man with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and long white/brown robes with sandals. Son of Man however, places the narrative of Jesus in a contemporary South African context. Jesus is black, bald-headed, speaks isiXhosa, and upholds isiXhosa culture and tradition. Son of Man is a transcultural narrative of Jesus, relating the gospel narrative(s) to the...
Examining how depictions of Jesus within art have become more racialized and radicalized over the ce...
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.As art historians uncover the many source...
The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of ...
Son of Man (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South Africa and the first Jesus film w...
Son of Man (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South Africa and the first Jesus film wi...
<em>Son of Man</em><span> (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South A...
The African Jesus-Movie Son of Man (RSA 2006) by Mark Dornford-May crosses many boarders of genre an...
This essay explores what is at stake in accurately representing Jesus as a first-century Palestinian...
Instead of trying to recreate the ancient life of Jesus, Mark Dornford-May’s film Son of Man depicts...
This thesis constructs and critically explores 'cross-cultural Bible film reception' by examining an...
In my project I am researching the Black Aesthetic and examining how it’s African American literary ...
Marking the invention of cinema as a point of entry and consequent filmic narratives about Jesus as ...
Questions around the colour of Jesus are always received with reservations. Yet, not much is said ab...
This thesis examines the role of the Manichean dualism, the pervasive colour symbolism of white as g...
<p>This dissertation asks how the theological anthropologies of T. F. Torrance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer,...
Examining how depictions of Jesus within art have become more racialized and radicalized over the ce...
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.As art historians uncover the many source...
The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of ...
Son of Man (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South Africa and the first Jesus film w...
Son of Man (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South Africa and the first Jesus film wi...
<em>Son of Man</em><span> (2006) is the first Jesus film to be produced in South A...
The African Jesus-Movie Son of Man (RSA 2006) by Mark Dornford-May crosses many boarders of genre an...
This essay explores what is at stake in accurately representing Jesus as a first-century Palestinian...
Instead of trying to recreate the ancient life of Jesus, Mark Dornford-May’s film Son of Man depicts...
This thesis constructs and critically explores 'cross-cultural Bible film reception' by examining an...
In my project I am researching the Black Aesthetic and examining how it’s African American literary ...
Marking the invention of cinema as a point of entry and consequent filmic narratives about Jesus as ...
Questions around the colour of Jesus are always received with reservations. Yet, not much is said ab...
This thesis examines the role of the Manichean dualism, the pervasive colour symbolism of white as g...
<p>This dissertation asks how the theological anthropologies of T. F. Torrance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer,...
Examining how depictions of Jesus within art have become more racialized and radicalized over the ce...
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.As art historians uncover the many source...
The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of ...