Lypsy ja siihen liittyvät työt muuttuvat tilalla, kun automaattinen lypsyjärjestelmä otetaan käyttöön. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia automaattisen lypsyjärjestelmän käyttöönoton vaikutusta maidon koostumukseen ja laatuun Suomessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmella tilalla, jotka olivat ensimmäisiä automaattilypsytiloja Suomessa. Maidon kemiallinen koostumus, somaattiset solut, kokonaisbakteerit, jäätymispiste, vapaat rasvahapot, Bacillus cereus, klostridi-itiöt, psykrotrofit bakteerit, ja koliformiset bakteerit määritettiin. Automaattilypsyn käyttöönoton jälkeen somaattisten solujen, kokonaisbakteerien, psykrotrofisten ja koliformisten bakteerien määrät olivat korkeampia kuin perinteisesti lypsettäessä, mutta erot eivät olleet...
Alternative selection combinations of milk traits were studied by the selection index method. The cu...
In 2000 the book Robotic Milking, reflecting the proceedings of an International Symposium which was...
With the introduction of automatic milking (AM) systems, some increases in total bacterial count (TB...
When an automatic milking system (AMS) is introduced on a farm the milking of cows and related work ...
When an automatic milking system (AMS) is introduced on a farm the milking of cows and related work ...
Changes in milk quality after the introduction of automatic milking systems (AM-systems) on dairy fa...
Zdravje vimena in kakovost mleka sta zelo pomembna dejavnika, ki vplivata na uspešnost prireje mleka...
Dairy farming is one of the most important branches in agriculture worldwide. According to statistic...
Since the first commercial systems appeared in 1992, automatic milking systems (AM-systems) have bee...
Lypsykarjatilalla seurataan jatkuvasta lehmien utareterveyttä ja maidon laatua. Tuotosseurantaan kuu...
In the study presented in this paper, recent milk quality data of farms with an AM-system were analy...
Nimekkeen selvennys: Development of milk products since AIV till present.A review.vokET
Magistrantūros darbo tikslas – įvertinti karvių melžimo automatizavimo procesų įtaką darbo našumui i...
The aim of this thesis is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of Automat...
The quality of milk is a very important aspect of milk production. Milk payment systems and consumer...
Alternative selection combinations of milk traits were studied by the selection index method. The cu...
In 2000 the book Robotic Milking, reflecting the proceedings of an International Symposium which was...
With the introduction of automatic milking (AM) systems, some increases in total bacterial count (TB...
When an automatic milking system (AMS) is introduced on a farm the milking of cows and related work ...
When an automatic milking system (AMS) is introduced on a farm the milking of cows and related work ...
Changes in milk quality after the introduction of automatic milking systems (AM-systems) on dairy fa...
Zdravje vimena in kakovost mleka sta zelo pomembna dejavnika, ki vplivata na uspešnost prireje mleka...
Dairy farming is one of the most important branches in agriculture worldwide. According to statistic...
Since the first commercial systems appeared in 1992, automatic milking systems (AM-systems) have bee...
Lypsykarjatilalla seurataan jatkuvasta lehmien utareterveyttä ja maidon laatua. Tuotosseurantaan kuu...
In the study presented in this paper, recent milk quality data of farms with an AM-system were analy...
Nimekkeen selvennys: Development of milk products since AIV till present.A review.vokET
Magistrantūros darbo tikslas – įvertinti karvių melžimo automatizavimo procesų įtaką darbo našumui i...
The aim of this thesis is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of Automat...
The quality of milk is a very important aspect of milk production. Milk payment systems and consumer...
Alternative selection combinations of milk traits were studied by the selection index method. The cu...
In 2000 the book Robotic Milking, reflecting the proceedings of an International Symposium which was...
With the introduction of automatic milking (AM) systems, some increases in total bacterial count (TB...