Nurmipalkokasveihin kuuluva, sinimailasen lähisukulainen sirppimailanen (Medicago falcata L.) on uusi tulokas rehukasvivalikoimassamme. Sirppimailanen tuotiin maahamme Virosta 1980-luvun loppupuolella. Alkuaan kasvi on kotoisin Iranista ja Kaspianmeren alueelta. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan sirppimailanen on sopeutunut hyvin maamme olosuhteisiin ja talvehtinut Etelä-Suomessa ilman merkittäviä talvituhoja. Uusista rehukasveista on tärkeää selvittää niiden sadon ja ruokinnallisen arvon lisäksi myös niiden mahdollisesti sisältämät haitta-aineet ja haitta-aineiden vaikutus eläinten terveydelle. Nurmipalkokasvien tiedetään sisältävän estrogeenisesti vaikuttavia aineita, ns. kasviestrogeeneja. Etenkin lammas on herkkä kasviestrogeenien a...
Leguminous fodder crops such as lucerne contain oestrogenic substances and their precursors that may...
Perennial ryegrass is a very important and widespread grass species used for livestock nutrition, in...
Studies were conducted to determine the phytoestrogen content of goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.)...
Conception rates and prolificacy of Finnish Landrace ewes fed yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falc...
The suitability of yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falcata L.) for forage production under the nor...
In this paper, a perennial legume Galega orientalis Lam. (goat’s rue), is presented. This unselected...
The investigation of seeding year Lucerne stand development and yield formation pattern was carried ...
The dry matter yields and forage quality of seven grassland plant species and mixed stands which inc...
Od aprila do septembra 2014 smo na kmetijskem zemljišču ŽIPO Lenart d.o.o. izvajali poljski poskus k...
Two Finnish alsike clover varieties, diploid Tammisto and tetraploid Iso, were grown for seed at dif...
W pracy omówiono wpływ zróżnicowanej częstości użytkowania pastwiskowego i kośnego na plonowanie, ud...
Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen tutkimusasemilla viljelykokeissa olevien vu...
The reproductive performance of 123 Romney and Border Leicester x Romney ewes was compared after the...
Author known by previous name: Rachel DownwardCoumestrol in lucerne can reduce the ovulation rate of...
The suitability of yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falcata L.) for forage production under the nor...
Leguminous fodder crops such as lucerne contain oestrogenic substances and their precursors that may...
Perennial ryegrass is a very important and widespread grass species used for livestock nutrition, in...
Studies were conducted to determine the phytoestrogen content of goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.)...
Conception rates and prolificacy of Finnish Landrace ewes fed yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falc...
The suitability of yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falcata L.) for forage production under the nor...
In this paper, a perennial legume Galega orientalis Lam. (goat’s rue), is presented. This unselected...
The investigation of seeding year Lucerne stand development and yield formation pattern was carried ...
The dry matter yields and forage quality of seven grassland plant species and mixed stands which inc...
Od aprila do septembra 2014 smo na kmetijskem zemljišču ŽIPO Lenart d.o.o. izvajali poljski poskus k...
Two Finnish alsike clover varieties, diploid Tammisto and tetraploid Iso, were grown for seed at dif...
W pracy omówiono wpływ zróżnicowanej częstości użytkowania pastwiskowego i kośnego na plonowanie, ud...
Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen tutkimusasemilla viljelykokeissa olevien vu...
The reproductive performance of 123 Romney and Border Leicester x Romney ewes was compared after the...
Author known by previous name: Rachel DownwardCoumestrol in lucerne can reduce the ovulation rate of...
The suitability of yellow-flowered lucerne (Medicago falcata L.) for forage production under the nor...
Leguminous fodder crops such as lucerne contain oestrogenic substances and their precursors that may...
Perennial ryegrass is a very important and widespread grass species used for livestock nutrition, in...
Studies were conducted to determine the phytoestrogen content of goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.)...