In this paper, a perennial legume Galega orientalis Lam. (goat’s rue), is presented. This unselected forage legume originating from regions with a Mediterranean climate, grows well in North-European conditions in Finland. It seems to be very persistent and produces yields that equal or even exceed those of red clover in quantity and quality. The trials on management practices and feeding carried out at the University of Helsinki are reported here. The research will be continued on mass selection for low alcaloid and fiber contents, seed production and use of grass-mixtures for making hay or silage.Rehuvuohenherne (Galega orientalis Lam.) on Välimeren ilmastoalueelta peräisin oleva monivuotinen, jalostamaton rehukasvi. Sen yleisiä viljelyomi...
Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen tutkimusasemilla viljelykokeissa olevien vu...
Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að líffræðilegur fjölbreytileiki (t.d. tegundafjölbreytni) getur bætt þjónustu ...
The article presents the results of a study of perennial haymaking grass stands on the basis of Gale...
In this paper, a perennial legume Galega orientalis Lam. (goat’s rue), is presented. This unselected...
Legumes are important in world agriculture, providing biologically fixed nitrogen, breaking cereal d...
The dry matter yields and forage quality of seven grassland plant species and mixed stands which inc...
The effect of four different cutting times, both in spring and autumn, on goat’s rue was studied at ...
Two Finnish alsike clover varieties, diploid Tammisto and tetraploid Iso, were grown for seed at dif...
Nurmipalkokasveihin kuuluva, sinimailasen lähisukulainen sirppimailanen (Medicago falcata L.) on uus...
The growth of lambs on natural and cultiavated pastures was studied in 1979—1980 in northern Lapland...
The composition of the weed flora of dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) fields and cropping practices were i...
Nimekkeen selvennys: Legumes in the feeding of piglets and fattening pigs in organic farming.Karkear...
Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto bandymų stotyje 2007–2009 m. vykdant rytinių ožiarūčių auginimo eko...
Maassamme käytössä olevissa lampaiden ruokintasuosituksissa ei erotella siitos- ja lihakaritsoiden r...
vokKirjasto Aj-kYield, composition and dynamics of flora in grasslands for hay in Finlan
Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen tutkimusasemilla viljelykokeissa olevien vu...
Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að líffræðilegur fjölbreytileiki (t.d. tegundafjölbreytni) getur bætt þjónustu ...
The article presents the results of a study of perennial haymaking grass stands on the basis of Gale...
In this paper, a perennial legume Galega orientalis Lam. (goat’s rue), is presented. This unselected...
Legumes are important in world agriculture, providing biologically fixed nitrogen, breaking cereal d...
The dry matter yields and forage quality of seven grassland plant species and mixed stands which inc...
The effect of four different cutting times, both in spring and autumn, on goat’s rue was studied at ...
Two Finnish alsike clover varieties, diploid Tammisto and tetraploid Iso, were grown for seed at dif...
Nurmipalkokasveihin kuuluva, sinimailasen lähisukulainen sirppimailanen (Medicago falcata L.) on uus...
The growth of lambs on natural and cultiavated pastures was studied in 1979—1980 in northern Lapland...
The composition of the weed flora of dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) fields and cropping practices were i...
Nimekkeen selvennys: Legumes in the feeding of piglets and fattening pigs in organic farming.Karkear...
Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto bandymų stotyje 2007–2009 m. vykdant rytinių ožiarūčių auginimo eko...
Maassamme käytössä olevissa lampaiden ruokintasuosituksissa ei erotella siitos- ja lihakaritsoiden r...
vokKirjasto Aj-kYield, composition and dynamics of flora in grasslands for hay in Finlan
Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen tutkimusasemilla viljelykokeissa olevien vu...
Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að líffræðilegur fjölbreytileiki (t.d. tegundafjölbreytni) getur bætt þjónustu ...
The article presents the results of a study of perennial haymaking grass stands on the basis of Gale...