Magistritöö Keskkonnakorralduse ja -poliitika õppekavalPõllumajanduse intensiivistumise ja taimekaitsevahendite kasutamise tagajärjel on vähenenud bioloogiline mitmekesisus. Pestitsiidide negatiivseid mõjusid ja kokkupuute võimalusi on uuritud enamjaolt meemesilastel (Apis mellifera L.), aga sellele lisaks on saadud aru vajadusest uurida nende kokkupuute võimalusi ka looduslikel tolmeldajatel nagu erakmesilastel. Töö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada müürimesilase Osmia bicornis L. õietolmu korje-eelistused rapsipõldude olemasolul ning korjes leiduvate pestitsiidijääkide hulk. Välitööd viidi läbi 2021. aasta kevadel viies erinevas asukohas Tartumaal ja Jõgevamaal. Müürimesilase O. bicornis korjes leidus eelistatult tulikaliste (Ranunc...
Pesticide use is one of the main causes of pollinator declines in agricultural ecosystems. Tradition...
Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline. In the E...
Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops raise con...
Pollinators play an important role in food production. It has been estimated that approximately 75% ...
<div><p>In agricultural landscapes honeybees and other pollinators are exposed to pesticides, often ...
In agricultural landscapes honeybees and other pollinators are exposed to pesticides, often surveyed...
<div><p>Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops r...
Biopestitsiididel võivad olla negatiivsed mõjud tolmeldajate käitumisele ja füsioloogiale. Kuigi lo...
Pollinators are potentially exposed to a number of pesticides in the environment. The\nmost importan...
Exposure to pesticides may jeopardize pollinators, but it has rarely been examined in urban landscap...
none5siHoney bee (Apis mellifera L.) health is compromised by complex interactions between multiple ...
Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline. In the E...
Bees are under threat from agricultural intensification, and species which are pollen specialists (o...
Abstract Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline....
Mehiläisten ja kimalaisten kukissakäynnin runsautta ja kimalaislajistoa selvitettiin Helsingin yliop...
Pesticide use is one of the main causes of pollinator declines in agricultural ecosystems. Tradition...
Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline. In the E...
Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops raise con...
Pollinators play an important role in food production. It has been estimated that approximately 75% ...
<div><p>In agricultural landscapes honeybees and other pollinators are exposed to pesticides, often ...
In agricultural landscapes honeybees and other pollinators are exposed to pesticides, often surveyed...
<div><p>Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops r...
Biopestitsiididel võivad olla negatiivsed mõjud tolmeldajate käitumisele ja füsioloogiale. Kuigi lo...
Pollinators are potentially exposed to a number of pesticides in the environment. The\nmost importan...
Exposure to pesticides may jeopardize pollinators, but it has rarely been examined in urban landscap...
none5siHoney bee (Apis mellifera L.) health is compromised by complex interactions between multiple ...
Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline. In the E...
Bees are under threat from agricultural intensification, and species which are pollen specialists (o...
Abstract Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline....
Mehiläisten ja kimalaisten kukissakäynnin runsautta ja kimalaislajistoa selvitettiin Helsingin yliop...
Pesticide use is one of the main causes of pollinator declines in agricultural ecosystems. Tradition...
Researchers globally identify pesticides as one of the main reasons for pollinator decline. In the E...
Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops raise con...