Biopestitsiididel võivad olla negatiivsed mõjud tolmeldajate käitumisele ja füsioloogiale. Kuigi looduslikke vahendeid peetakse ohutumaks võib ka neil negatiivseid mõjusid ilmneda. Biopestitsiidide mõju on uuritud peamiselt meemesilastel ja kimalastel, kuid teisi tolmeldajaid puudutava materjali osa on minimaalne. Osasid preparaate on uuritud põhjalikult, kuid teiste kohta puudub informatsioon. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli kirjanduse põhjal välja selgitada biopestitsiidide mõju tolmeldajate käitumisele ja füsioloogiale. Töö koosati teadusartiklite ja raamatute põhjal. Bakalaureusetöö tulemusena selgus, et biopestitsiididel on kahjulik mõju tolmeldajatele. Ebsoodsat mõju avaldasid neem, B. thuringiensis, B subtilis, spinosad, roten...
How can farmers and growers achieve effective crop protection while limiting pesticide risk to polli...
Pesticides are used to kill the pests and insects which attack on crops and harm them. Different kin...
Agroecosystems are the habitat of pests and beneficial insects from different orders, which are exp...
Oprašivanje je važan proces u svakom ekosustavu jer omogućava razmnožavanje biljaka i proizvodnju hr...
The bachelor thesis is focused on pesticides and their impact on the environment. Plant protection p...
Pollinators play an important role in food production. It has been estimated that approximately 75% ...
Magistritöö Keskkonnakorralduse ja -poliitika õppekavalPõllumajanduse intensiivistumise ja taimekai...
TEZ10938Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 115-133) var.xvi, 135 s. : ...
This chapter provides an overview of the history of pollination biology, it begins by discussing the...
Prekomjernim korištenjem pesticida,prvenstveno insekticida u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji dovelo je d...
The aim of this investigation was to identify the impact of five insecticides Mavrik, Proteus, Fury,...
In recent years, in the scientific and professional community there is great concern regarding dec...
1 Pesticides are widely used in agriculture and recognised as a threat to pollinators which provide ...
Šećerne repa jedna je od važnijih kultura u Svijetu. Godišnje se na svjetskoj razini proizvede 277 m...
Polinatör böcekler karasal ekosistemlerde son derece önemli görevler üstlenirler. Bitki komüniteleri...
How can farmers and growers achieve effective crop protection while limiting pesticide risk to polli...
Pesticides are used to kill the pests and insects which attack on crops and harm them. Different kin...
Agroecosystems are the habitat of pests and beneficial insects from different orders, which are exp...
Oprašivanje je važan proces u svakom ekosustavu jer omogućava razmnožavanje biljaka i proizvodnju hr...
The bachelor thesis is focused on pesticides and their impact on the environment. Plant protection p...
Pollinators play an important role in food production. It has been estimated that approximately 75% ...
Magistritöö Keskkonnakorralduse ja -poliitika õppekavalPõllumajanduse intensiivistumise ja taimekai...
TEZ10938Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 115-133) var.xvi, 135 s. : ...
This chapter provides an overview of the history of pollination biology, it begins by discussing the...
Prekomjernim korištenjem pesticida,prvenstveno insekticida u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji dovelo je d...
The aim of this investigation was to identify the impact of five insecticides Mavrik, Proteus, Fury,...
In recent years, in the scientific and professional community there is great concern regarding dec...
1 Pesticides are widely used in agriculture and recognised as a threat to pollinators which provide ...
Šećerne repa jedna je od važnijih kultura u Svijetu. Godišnje se na svjetskoj razini proizvede 277 m...
Polinatör böcekler karasal ekosistemlerde son derece önemli görevler üstlenirler. Bitki komüniteleri...
How can farmers and growers achieve effective crop protection while limiting pesticide risk to polli...
Pesticides are used to kill the pests and insects which attack on crops and harm them. Different kin...
Agroecosystems are the habitat of pests and beneficial insects from different orders, which are exp...