본 연구는 진로교육관점에서 본 학교폭력의 원인과 대처방안을 제안하는 목적으로 수행되었다.Ⅰ. 배경 및 문제점 2 Ⅱ. 조사 및 분석 결과 9 Ⅲ. 정책 제언 19 Ⅳ. 기대효과 24 참고문헌 26 [부록] 2
ABSTRACT Although extensive research has been conducted on bullying, few studies have explored fact...
In the international as well as in the local setting, bullying happens in secondary schools and it b...
The emotional stability and mental health of a student plays an essential role in his or her academi...
본 연구는 진로교육관점에서 본 학교폭력의 원인과 대처방안을 제안하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 ① 마인드맵분석과 ② 학교폭력의 개인·맥락적 요인의 심층 메타분석 선행연구, ...
본 연구는 학교 따돌림과 직장 따돌림의 연관성을 분석하고 따돌림의 방지 방안을 제안하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 ① 문헌 연구와 ② 학교 따돌림과 직장 따돌림 연관성의 양...
본 연구는 또래로부터 괴롭힘을 당하는 학생과 괴롭힘 수준이 높은 학교의 특성을 이해하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 전국 243개교 중학교와 47,017명(남학생 55.0%)...
Worldwide, school bullying is challenging for teachers. Bullying has a pervasive impact on both vict...
Bullying can be defined as a repeated negative interpersonal relationshipcharacterized by an imbalan...
We have been investigating bully-victim problems in school from the viewpoint of developmental socia...
Bullying has become a major social problem. Depending on the changes in society, aspects of bullying...
Bullying in schools has become an issue of major importance among educators. However, interventions ...
Academic performance is important in a student\u27s career path. Bullying may affect academic perfor...
The main approaches to understanding bullying as a social phenomenon and its features of manifestati...
We have been investigating the problems of bullying in"schools for about ten years. Unfortunately, c...
ABSTRACT Although extensive research has been conducted on bullying, few studies have explored fact...
In the international as well as in the local setting, bullying happens in secondary schools and it b...
The emotional stability and mental health of a student plays an essential role in his or her academi...
본 연구는 진로교육관점에서 본 학교폭력의 원인과 대처방안을 제안하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 ① 마인드맵분석과 ② 학교폭력의 개인·맥락적 요인의 심층 메타분석 선행연구, ...
본 연구는 학교 따돌림과 직장 따돌림의 연관성을 분석하고 따돌림의 방지 방안을 제안하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 ① 문헌 연구와 ② 학교 따돌림과 직장 따돌림 연관성의 양...
본 연구는 또래로부터 괴롭힘을 당하는 학생과 괴롭힘 수준이 높은 학교의 특성을 이해하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 전국 243개교 중학교와 47,017명(남학생 55.0%)...
Worldwide, school bullying is challenging for teachers. Bullying has a pervasive impact on both vict...
Bullying can be defined as a repeated negative interpersonal relationshipcharacterized by an imbalan...
We have been investigating bully-victim problems in school from the viewpoint of developmental socia...
Bullying has become a major social problem. Depending on the changes in society, aspects of bullying...
Bullying in schools has become an issue of major importance among educators. However, interventions ...
Academic performance is important in a student\u27s career path. Bullying may affect academic perfor...
The main approaches to understanding bullying as a social phenomenon and its features of manifestati...
We have been investigating the problems of bullying in"schools for about ten years. Unfortunately, c...
ABSTRACT Although extensive research has been conducted on bullying, few studies have explored fact...
In the international as well as in the local setting, bullying happens in secondary schools and it b...
The emotional stability and mental health of a student plays an essential role in his or her academi...