本文以中外语言政策史为据,回顾英、美、 德、法、苏等国出于国家安全角度制定出的语 言政策,分析国内现有语言安全成果,反思中 国国内有关语言安全研究的现状,指出当前研 究的五点不足:(1)偏重宏观层面的空论,(2) 止于文献梳理,(3)缺少基于民族地区和边疆 地区调查的专论,(4)鲜有关注网络媒体的语 言安全问题,(5)未及少数民族地区的安全问 题和区域语言安全战略的研究。 This paper, grounded on historical facts of language policies worldwide, reviews the evolution of language policies in Great Britain, United States, Germany, France and Soviet Union in terms of national security, analyses the achievements of language security at home, reconsiders the current situation of language security in China, and points out the weaknesses of language security problems in China: stressing on macro-level researches, standing still over literature review, lack of the researches based on ethnic areas and cross-border regions, sh...