Si cerca di sanare per congettura alcuni passi di Seneca filosofo e della commedia anonima tardo-latina "Querolus"We try to heal by conjecture some passages of Seneca the philosopher and of the late Latin anonymous comedy "Querolus
In un famoso aneddoto attribuito a Prodico di Ceo, il giovane Eracle si trova a dover scegliere fra ...
Some analogies between the Consolatio ad Helviam, the Consolatio ad Polybium, and Anth. Lat. 236 R.2...
The paper aims to underline Seneca’s value, as a playwright, in the Ancient Theatre studies. After d...
Si cerca di sanare per congettura alcuni passi di Seneca filosofo e della commedia anonima tardo-lat...
Among Seneca\u2019s literary output, besides three Consolationes (Ad Marciam, Ad Polybium, Ad Helvia...
Through the example of controuersiae 267 and 316, the article focuses on the reception of Seneca’s ...
L’autor -probablement plural- de La Celestina no desconeixia la tradició literària clàssica: juntame...
Seneca’s 114th Letter to Lucilius contains a series of quotations from Maecenas’ prose. These fragme...
In f. 472 of Seneca's Phaedra (uacuum sine ullis classibus stabit mare) a brilliant conjecture of Ri...
The paper aims to offer an interpretation of Senecan Phaedra 821-823. In them, the wish to grow old ...
Notes on Seneca’s prose works (nat. 3.30.8; 4a.2.18; ep. 90.10; 22-3), with obser-vations on Lucan 9...
Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento del dialogo De constantia sapientis di Seneca, con attenz...
The doxographies of books 2 and 4 of Seneca’s Natural Questions do not stem from the original philos...
Seneca’s 114th Letter to Lucilius contains a series of quotations from Maecenas’ prose. These fragme...
Within Seneca’s prose, using a long-codified terminology, it is possible to identify a substratum wh...
In un famoso aneddoto attribuito a Prodico di Ceo, il giovane Eracle si trova a dover scegliere fra ...
Some analogies between the Consolatio ad Helviam, the Consolatio ad Polybium, and Anth. Lat. 236 R.2...
The paper aims to underline Seneca’s value, as a playwright, in the Ancient Theatre studies. After d...
Si cerca di sanare per congettura alcuni passi di Seneca filosofo e della commedia anonima tardo-lat...
Among Seneca\u2019s literary output, besides three Consolationes (Ad Marciam, Ad Polybium, Ad Helvia...
Through the example of controuersiae 267 and 316, the article focuses on the reception of Seneca’s ...
L’autor -probablement plural- de La Celestina no desconeixia la tradició literària clàssica: juntame...
Seneca’s 114th Letter to Lucilius contains a series of quotations from Maecenas’ prose. These fragme...
In f. 472 of Seneca's Phaedra (uacuum sine ullis classibus stabit mare) a brilliant conjecture of Ri...
The paper aims to offer an interpretation of Senecan Phaedra 821-823. In them, the wish to grow old ...
Notes on Seneca’s prose works (nat. 3.30.8; 4a.2.18; ep. 90.10; 22-3), with obser-vations on Lucan 9...
Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento del dialogo De constantia sapientis di Seneca, con attenz...
The doxographies of books 2 and 4 of Seneca’s Natural Questions do not stem from the original philos...
Seneca’s 114th Letter to Lucilius contains a series of quotations from Maecenas’ prose. These fragme...
Within Seneca’s prose, using a long-codified terminology, it is possible to identify a substratum wh...
In un famoso aneddoto attribuito a Prodico di Ceo, il giovane Eracle si trova a dover scegliere fra ...
Some analogies between the Consolatio ad Helviam, the Consolatio ad Polybium, and Anth. Lat. 236 R.2...
The paper aims to underline Seneca’s value, as a playwright, in the Ancient Theatre studies. After d...