Modern vegetable production under protected cultivation have accomplished by multifunctional integration of several methods and techniques in order to get produce for fresh consumption with an added biological value. The usage of modern greenhouse covering films, shading nets and termoselective barriers, besides passive energy efficiency has afforded several benefits in more precise control of microclimate fluctuations. Photo-selective plastic films could change the character and spectral composition of solar radiation, which leads to less pests and disease infection and better crop performances, such us earliness, fruit size and uniformity and cumulative and total yield. By usage of beneficial microorganism, pheromone traps, predators and ...
The accessory machine for monophase complex agro-technology, as a product on the market of agricult...
Porast stanovništva i ubrzana industrijalizacija svakodnevno dovode do nastanka velikih količina otp...
Usled pojave različitih kriznih događaja, sa negativnim posledicama na blagostanje, ekosistem, ekono...
Modern vegetable production under protected cultivation have accomplished by multifunctional integra...
Ekološka proizvodnja povrća vrsta je poljoprivredne proizvodnje kojom se čuva biološka raznolikost, ...
Conventional corn production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to t...
Temeljne postavke i prakse na kojima počiva konvencionalna i integrirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja ...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
Natural attenuation includes a number of processes that cause the reduction of groundwater contamina...
U istraživanjima su korišćene tri alternativne sorte pšenice Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Tritic...
The aim of this paper is to outline the potentional interests of alternative small grains as organi...
Creation of transgenic organisms should be endeavored necessary amount of food for the elimination ...
Povećanje površina pod organskom proizvodnjom, a i tražnja za organskim proizvodima pokrenuli su i i...
Heuristička propulzivnost bioetike u posljednjih trideset godina potaknula je na značajno proširenje...
Bioetanol je proizveden procesom istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije (eng. Simultaneous sacchari...
The accessory machine for monophase complex agro-technology, as a product on the market of agricult...
Porast stanovništva i ubrzana industrijalizacija svakodnevno dovode do nastanka velikih količina otp...
Usled pojave različitih kriznih događaja, sa negativnim posledicama na blagostanje, ekosistem, ekono...
Modern vegetable production under protected cultivation have accomplished by multifunctional integra...
Ekološka proizvodnja povrća vrsta je poljoprivredne proizvodnje kojom se čuva biološka raznolikost, ...
Conventional corn production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to t...
Temeljne postavke i prakse na kojima počiva konvencionalna i integrirana poljoprivredna proizvodnja ...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
Natural attenuation includes a number of processes that cause the reduction of groundwater contamina...
U istraživanjima su korišćene tri alternativne sorte pšenice Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Tritic...
The aim of this paper is to outline the potentional interests of alternative small grains as organi...
Creation of transgenic organisms should be endeavored necessary amount of food for the elimination ...
Povećanje površina pod organskom proizvodnjom, a i tražnja za organskim proizvodima pokrenuli su i i...
Heuristička propulzivnost bioetike u posljednjih trideset godina potaknula je na značajno proširenje...
Bioetanol je proizveden procesom istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije (eng. Simultaneous sacchari...
The accessory machine for monophase complex agro-technology, as a product on the market of agricult...
Porast stanovništva i ubrzana industrijalizacija svakodnevno dovode do nastanka velikih količina otp...
Usled pojave različitih kriznih događaja, sa negativnim posledicama na blagostanje, ekosistem, ekono...