Pests and grapevine diseases in organic production are suppressed by preventive measures with a view to reducing the impact of the attack. Allowed substances acting on patogenous fungi, insects, mites and other harmful organisms are used, if appropriate. Insecticides of plant origin are used in the organic production of grapevine, as well as vegetable oils, powders and insecticidal soaps that are selective, with a narrow range of effects and of lower toxicity, as well as biological products. As a rule, such plant protection products require a more frequent application. Copper-based and sulphur-based fungicides are still leading products in suppressing grapevine diseases. Researches are directed to decrease the quantity of application and to...
Grape protection currently requires a precise and careful protection management. Several pest and pa...
In organic farming, microbiological preparations are an alternative to chemical pesticides and miner...
Studies on the effectiveness of applying the scheme for organic processing of grape cultivar Bastard...
Važni čimbenici za uspješan i rentabilan uzgoj vinove loze svakako su okolinski uvjeti. Potrebni su ...
During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries wor...
Botrytis cinerea danas predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih bolesti koja uvelike smanjuje prinos, a prob...
U Hrvatskoj vinovu lozu napada velik broj bolesti (pepelnica, plamenjača, crna pjegavost, siva plije...
Vinogradarstvo se oslanja na vrste vinove loze iz roda Vitis, poput Vitis vinifere (euroazijska vrst...
Uzgojem vinove loze ljudi se bave još od antičkih vremena, polako kroz povijest vinogradarstvo je po...
Bolesti drva vinove loze su trenutno najkompleksnije gljivične bolesti vinove loze, a prema dosadašn...
Viticulture is impossible without the use of chemical plant protection agents. Their use follows to ...
The theoretical part of this thesis describes three different types of vinegrape productions in the ...
This Masters thesis contains possibility in using plant extracts as alternative options for protecti...
Organic agriculture has experienced rapid worldwide growth with the highest growth occurring in the ...
Prilikom izrade diplomskog s ciljem praćenja novih trendova u borbi s bolestima i štetnicima u ekolo...
Grape protection currently requires a precise and careful protection management. Several pest and pa...
In organic farming, microbiological preparations are an alternative to chemical pesticides and miner...
Studies on the effectiveness of applying the scheme for organic processing of grape cultivar Bastard...
Važni čimbenici za uspješan i rentabilan uzgoj vinove loze svakako su okolinski uvjeti. Potrebni su ...
During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries wor...
Botrytis cinerea danas predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih bolesti koja uvelike smanjuje prinos, a prob...
U Hrvatskoj vinovu lozu napada velik broj bolesti (pepelnica, plamenjača, crna pjegavost, siva plije...
Vinogradarstvo se oslanja na vrste vinove loze iz roda Vitis, poput Vitis vinifere (euroazijska vrst...
Uzgojem vinove loze ljudi se bave još od antičkih vremena, polako kroz povijest vinogradarstvo je po...
Bolesti drva vinove loze su trenutno najkompleksnije gljivične bolesti vinove loze, a prema dosadašn...
Viticulture is impossible without the use of chemical plant protection agents. Their use follows to ...
The theoretical part of this thesis describes three different types of vinegrape productions in the ...
This Masters thesis contains possibility in using plant extracts as alternative options for protecti...
Organic agriculture has experienced rapid worldwide growth with the highest growth occurring in the ...
Prilikom izrade diplomskog s ciljem praćenja novih trendova u borbi s bolestima i štetnicima u ekolo...
Grape protection currently requires a precise and careful protection management. Several pest and pa...
In organic farming, microbiological preparations are an alternative to chemical pesticides and miner...
Studies on the effectiveness of applying the scheme for organic processing of grape cultivar Bastard...