Molecular genetics made available genetic markers as a powerful tool for genetic improvement of animal selection and production. Genetic markers are used to estimate the association with economically important trait loci. Traits of economic interest include milk protein genetic variants, milk production, disease and stress resistance etc.U poslednjim decenijama dvadesetog veka, primenom metoda molekularne genetike omogućena je identifikacija gena koji utiču na variranje kvantitativnih osobina, kao i selekcija vezana za markere (MAS) koja se koristi za mapiranje genoma i procenu vezanosti gena koji utiču na ekonomski važne osobine domaćih životinja. Ovim metodama omogućeno je da se otkriju i potvrde genetske varijante proteina mleka, utvrdi ...
Agronomic traits of 18 populations comprising a mini core collection for increased grain quality of ...
Novija biotehnološka dostignuća ušla su u sve segmente animalne proizvodnje, pa tako i u proces proi...
A set of six maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids of fl generation for grain yield, yield co...
Molekularna genetika je pružila mogućnost za poboljšanje selekcije i produkcije kod domaćih životinj...
Elektroforetskim razdvajanjem bjelančevina mlijeka u alkalnom škrobnom gelu identificirali smo genot...
More accurate and complete descriptions of genotypes could help determinate future breeding strategi...
Although alfalfa is the most important forage crop grown in the temperate regions, breeding improvem...
Akvakultura je industrija u razvoju s ukupnom globalnom vrijednošću od 56 milijardi dolara. Proizvod...
Estimation of genetic variability of breeding material is essential for yield improvement in wheat c...
The information on inter-relations of breeding material and genetic distinctness of available germpl...
Association analysis is a new approach in wheat genetic studies that enables a more successful imple...
Five cycles (periods) have determined breeding of hybrid maize in Yugoslavia Each period has been ch...
In the forty years of seminars of agronomists, the genetic composition of sugar beet hybrids and var...
Aim of this paper was to assess the values of genetic parameters which have crucial influence on sel...
Drežniška koza je edina slovenska avtohtona pasma koz. Na območju vasi Drežnice se je razvil mesni t...
Agronomic traits of 18 populations comprising a mini core collection for increased grain quality of ...
Novija biotehnološka dostignuća ušla su u sve segmente animalne proizvodnje, pa tako i u proces proi...
A set of six maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids of fl generation for grain yield, yield co...
Molekularna genetika je pružila mogućnost za poboljšanje selekcije i produkcije kod domaćih životinj...
Elektroforetskim razdvajanjem bjelančevina mlijeka u alkalnom škrobnom gelu identificirali smo genot...
More accurate and complete descriptions of genotypes could help determinate future breeding strategi...
Although alfalfa is the most important forage crop grown in the temperate regions, breeding improvem...
Akvakultura je industrija u razvoju s ukupnom globalnom vrijednošću od 56 milijardi dolara. Proizvod...
Estimation of genetic variability of breeding material is essential for yield improvement in wheat c...
The information on inter-relations of breeding material and genetic distinctness of available germpl...
Association analysis is a new approach in wheat genetic studies that enables a more successful imple...
Five cycles (periods) have determined breeding of hybrid maize in Yugoslavia Each period has been ch...
In the forty years of seminars of agronomists, the genetic composition of sugar beet hybrids and var...
Aim of this paper was to assess the values of genetic parameters which have crucial influence on sel...
Drežniška koza je edina slovenska avtohtona pasma koz. Na območju vasi Drežnice se je razvil mesni t...
Agronomic traits of 18 populations comprising a mini core collection for increased grain quality of ...
Novija biotehnološka dostignuća ušla su u sve segmente animalne proizvodnje, pa tako i u proces proi...
A set of six maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids of fl generation for grain yield, yield co...