The advent of VHDL has brought about a number of VHDL simulators. Many translation schemes from domain specific languages to supposedly equivalent VHDL have been developed as an approach to obtaining simulations. However, functionally equivalent VHDL can not be created for the general case, due to a theoretical limitation to this approach. It is a very subtle point and has thus been overlooked until now, but it is extremely important since it can cause incorrect simulation, therefore making translations to VHDL an unsound simulation technique. In this paper, we introduce this fundamental limitation. In addition, we propose an alternative approach which strives for functionally equivalent simulation rather than functionally equivalent VHDL, ...
One approach to accelerate a simulation of digital circuits described in VHDL is a distributed simul...
Goossens defined a structural operational semantics for a subset of VHDL87 and proved that the paral...
This paper presents a course on digital design with programmable logic devices (PLDs) which has been...
The advent of VHDL has brought about a number of VHDL simulators. Many translation schemes from doma...
In this paper we address the problem of software generation from a Hardware Description Language (HD...
International audienceA growing complexity of the electronic systems stimulated by the progress in t...
One of the major problems within the VHDL based behavioral synthesis is to start the design on highe...
We describe a technique for hardware-software co-simulation that is almost cycle-accurate, and does ...
VHDL and SystemC are both languages to describe or model circuits and systems. Reasons could exist f...
Historically the analogue and digitel parts of a hardware design have been modelled and simulated in...
SpecCharts is a new language intended for system level specification and synthesis. It is based on h...
This paper describes, with examples, the use of advanced VHDL constructs that greatly enhance modeli...
ISBN 2-913329-52-7The growing complexity of electronic systems stimulated by IC's technology progres...
This paper describes VHDL compilation techniques, embodied in the Auriga compiler [3,14], which faci...
Abstract: In the paper we use a model of real-world process, represented with well-posed transfer fu...
One approach to accelerate a simulation of digital circuits described in VHDL is a distributed simul...
Goossens defined a structural operational semantics for a subset of VHDL87 and proved that the paral...
This paper presents a course on digital design with programmable logic devices (PLDs) which has been...
The advent of VHDL has brought about a number of VHDL simulators. Many translation schemes from doma...
In this paper we address the problem of software generation from a Hardware Description Language (HD...
International audienceA growing complexity of the electronic systems stimulated by the progress in t...
One of the major problems within the VHDL based behavioral synthesis is to start the design on highe...
We describe a technique for hardware-software co-simulation that is almost cycle-accurate, and does ...
VHDL and SystemC are both languages to describe or model circuits and systems. Reasons could exist f...
Historically the analogue and digitel parts of a hardware design have been modelled and simulated in...
SpecCharts is a new language intended for system level specification and synthesis. It is based on h...
This paper describes, with examples, the use of advanced VHDL constructs that greatly enhance modeli...
ISBN 2-913329-52-7The growing complexity of electronic systems stimulated by IC's technology progres...
This paper describes VHDL compilation techniques, embodied in the Auriga compiler [3,14], which faci...
Abstract: In the paper we use a model of real-world process, represented with well-posed transfer fu...
One approach to accelerate a simulation of digital circuits described in VHDL is a distributed simul...
Goossens defined a structural operational semantics for a subset of VHDL87 and proved that the paral...
This paper presents a course on digital design with programmable logic devices (PLDs) which has been...