Consumer Panel: Judicial Estoppel: Its Development, Current Status, and How the Eleventh Circuit\u27s Forthcoming Opinion in Slater Might Portend the End of its Rigidity Hon. Paul W. Bonapfel, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia Sacha Dyson, Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez & Hearing, P.A. J. Erik Heath, Sole Practitioner Leon Jones, Jones & Walden LL
The Consumer Panel focused on student loan debt, featuring judicial, academic, and practical insight...
Panel I: In a Class by Itself: Has the Roberts Court Slammed the courthouse Door on Class Actions? T...
Examines the ethical and professionalism issues that arise in the context of judicial elections. The...
Consumer Panel: Judicial Estoppel: Its Development, Current Status, and How the Eleventh Circuit\u27...
The Consumer Panel presented a history of the doctrine of judicial estoppel, how it applies in bankr...
Consumer Panel: Bringing Relevance Back to Consumer Bankruptcy, by Nathalie Martin Honorable Sage M....
Consumer Bankruptcy Panel - Access to Bankruptcy: Vindicating the Rights of All Consumers The Honora...
Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal presents the 13th Annual EBDJ Symposium Alane A. Becket, Man...
Consumer Panel: Undue Hardship: An Analysis of Student Loan Debt Discharge in Bankruptcy The Honorab...
Conversations on the consumer panel centered around the relevance of bankruptcy for the average cons...
Panel III: Stand Alone or Stand Down: Consumer Arbitration Agreements and the Demise of Collective D...
Abstract: This article considers the justification for using panels of judges to make decisions in c...
The Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal hosted its Fourteenth Annual Symposium on February 23, 201...
The Future of Retail: How Rapid Changes in the Retail Economy Are Affecting Bankruptcy Practice Co-s...
A discussion by this year\u27s Corporate Panel on the Supreme Court\u27s recent decision in Czyzewsk...
The Consumer Panel focused on student loan debt, featuring judicial, academic, and practical insight...
Panel I: In a Class by Itself: Has the Roberts Court Slammed the courthouse Door on Class Actions? T...
Examines the ethical and professionalism issues that arise in the context of judicial elections. The...
Consumer Panel: Judicial Estoppel: Its Development, Current Status, and How the Eleventh Circuit\u27...
The Consumer Panel presented a history of the doctrine of judicial estoppel, how it applies in bankr...
Consumer Panel: Bringing Relevance Back to Consumer Bankruptcy, by Nathalie Martin Honorable Sage M....
Consumer Bankruptcy Panel - Access to Bankruptcy: Vindicating the Rights of All Consumers The Honora...
Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal presents the 13th Annual EBDJ Symposium Alane A. Becket, Man...
Consumer Panel: Undue Hardship: An Analysis of Student Loan Debt Discharge in Bankruptcy The Honorab...
Conversations on the consumer panel centered around the relevance of bankruptcy for the average cons...
Panel III: Stand Alone or Stand Down: Consumer Arbitration Agreements and the Demise of Collective D...
Abstract: This article considers the justification for using panels of judges to make decisions in c...
The Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal hosted its Fourteenth Annual Symposium on February 23, 201...
The Future of Retail: How Rapid Changes in the Retail Economy Are Affecting Bankruptcy Practice Co-s...
A discussion by this year\u27s Corporate Panel on the Supreme Court\u27s recent decision in Czyzewsk...
The Consumer Panel focused on student loan debt, featuring judicial, academic, and practical insight...
Panel I: In a Class by Itself: Has the Roberts Court Slammed the courthouse Door on Class Actions? T...
Examines the ethical and professionalism issues that arise in the context of judicial elections. The...