U središtu zanimanja su junačke epske pjesme iz ciklusa "Kralj Marko oslobađa robove okovane trima lancima". Te se pjesme ovdje tumače kao vrhunac svijesti naroda o sebi i vrhunac bugarskog epskog izraza. Motivi i slike u tim pjesmama uspoređuju se sa sličnim verzijama u kršćanskim epskim božićnim i đurđevdanskim pjesmama. Potonje, kaže autorica, vraćaju nas junačkom eposu a sve one upućuju na društveno-povijesne činjenice koje vezujemo uz period otomanske vladavine na Balkanu. Tako će se vrijeme turske okupacije Balkana moći promatrati u dvostrukoj funkciji. S jedne strane ono snažno obilježava epske pjesme. S druge, prinosi kasnijim fazama demitologizacije eposa.Attention is centred upon the historicism of the epic songs belonging to the ...
In spite of structural differences, Yugoslav oral lyric represents a unified whole in its genesis. F...
Through the contextual analysis of the “Cycle of Heroes” corpus, known as the Epos of Albanians or A...
What follows is a translation of Luka Marjanovic's preface to a collection of oral epic and lyric so...
U središtu zanimanja su junačke epske pjesme iz ciklusa "Kralj Marko oslobađa robove okovane trima l...
This study will focus its work in the legendary epic songs or otherwise originally known and called ...
The aim of this paper is to examine how the Albanian epic known as the ‘Cycle of the Frontier Warrio...
In his study Putilov advances the opinion that the question of the relationship between history and ...
Contemporary singing to the gusle and the new decasyllabic songs made in the style of the Serbian “c...
Turkish and Balkan “singers of tales” – a yoke of inspiration or epic independence? The research mat...
Persuaded that epic Serbian poetry plays an exceptional part in the formation of the language itself...
Certain types of introductory formulas typical of klephtic epic songs are synoptically demonstrat...
One fi nds mention of the folk poetry of the South Slavs beginning with the seventh, then in the ten...
Certain types of introductory formulas typical of klephtic epic songs are synoptically demonstrated ...
The author analyzes a typical feature o£ Croato-serbian folk literature, namely classical subjects o...
Zadatak je ovog vrlo kratkog saopćenja da upozori na gotovo nepoznato postojanje dvoglasnih napjeva ...
In spite of structural differences, Yugoslav oral lyric represents a unified whole in its genesis. F...
Through the contextual analysis of the “Cycle of Heroes” corpus, known as the Epos of Albanians or A...
What follows is a translation of Luka Marjanovic's preface to a collection of oral epic and lyric so...
U središtu zanimanja su junačke epske pjesme iz ciklusa "Kralj Marko oslobađa robove okovane trima l...
This study will focus its work in the legendary epic songs or otherwise originally known and called ...
The aim of this paper is to examine how the Albanian epic known as the ‘Cycle of the Frontier Warrio...
In his study Putilov advances the opinion that the question of the relationship between history and ...
Contemporary singing to the gusle and the new decasyllabic songs made in the style of the Serbian “c...
Turkish and Balkan “singers of tales” – a yoke of inspiration or epic independence? The research mat...
Persuaded that epic Serbian poetry plays an exceptional part in the formation of the language itself...
Certain types of introductory formulas typical of klephtic epic songs are synoptically demonstrat...
One fi nds mention of the folk poetry of the South Slavs beginning with the seventh, then in the ten...
Certain types of introductory formulas typical of klephtic epic songs are synoptically demonstrated ...
The author analyzes a typical feature o£ Croato-serbian folk literature, namely classical subjects o...
Zadatak je ovog vrlo kratkog saopćenja da upozori na gotovo nepoznato postojanje dvoglasnih napjeva ...
In spite of structural differences, Yugoslav oral lyric represents a unified whole in its genesis. F...
Through the contextual analysis of the “Cycle of Heroes” corpus, known as the Epos of Albanians or A...
What follows is a translation of Luka Marjanovic's preface to a collection of oral epic and lyric so...