Jezik je eno poglavitnih sredstev za sporazumevanje: človeškega življenja brez njega si skorajda ni mogoče predstavljati. Ker pa je v tem trenutku na svetu približno 7000 jezikov, ki so si med seboj precej različni, se vprašanje, ali govorci različnih jezikov enake situacije dojemajo na različne načine, ponuja samo od sebe in je jezikoslovce ter filozofe zaposlovalo za več sto let. To delo še zdaleč ni mišljeno kot celovit pregled omenjene problematike: namesto tega bom najprej definiral naslovno hipotezo, nato predstavil perspektive posameznikov, ki so se s tem in podobnimi vprašanji tako ali drugače ukvarjali, zatem pa ugotovitve primerjal s fiktivnimi deli, ki obravnavajo omenjeno tematiko. Na koncu bom podal lastno sodbo.Language is one...
Esta dissertação teve por objeto delinear alguns fatores relativos ao processo de emergência da leit...
According to the Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis, our view of reality is conditioned by language. In the abse...
The name Whorf has become synonymous with Linguistic Relativism and strong linguistic determinism. T...
Introduction The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (a.k.a. the Whorfian hypothesis) concerns the relationship b...
The master’s thesis deals with linguistic relativism in the case of grammatical gender and number of...
Thesis (M.A.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001On the grounds of the ex...
Punktem wyjścia dla rozważań o językowym poznawaniu rzeczywistości w świetle hipotezy Sapira-Whorfa ...
Nowadays is growing importance of interdisciplinary research and in the field of cultural diversity,...
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that human thought is shaped by language, leading speakers of diffe...
Tato práce pojednává o filosofickém a antropologickém přístup k jazyku a k problému překladu z jedno...
The ideas of Sapir, including the idea that “no two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be co...
Bilingualism relates to mastery in two languages or more. Meanwhile, Sapir Whorf hypothesis relates ...
The position that the structure of a language has an impact on the cognition of its speakers is a ve...
This work concerns the linguistic relativity hypothesis, also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, w...
How are language and thinking related? The “Sapir-Whorf” hypothesis that language determines thinki...
Esta dissertação teve por objeto delinear alguns fatores relativos ao processo de emergência da leit...
According to the Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis, our view of reality is conditioned by language. In the abse...
The name Whorf has become synonymous with Linguistic Relativism and strong linguistic determinism. T...
Introduction The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (a.k.a. the Whorfian hypothesis) concerns the relationship b...
The master’s thesis deals with linguistic relativism in the case of grammatical gender and number of...
Thesis (M.A.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001On the grounds of the ex...
Punktem wyjścia dla rozważań o językowym poznawaniu rzeczywistości w świetle hipotezy Sapira-Whorfa ...
Nowadays is growing importance of interdisciplinary research and in the field of cultural diversity,...
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that human thought is shaped by language, leading speakers of diffe...
Tato práce pojednává o filosofickém a antropologickém přístup k jazyku a k problému překladu z jedno...
The ideas of Sapir, including the idea that “no two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be co...
Bilingualism relates to mastery in two languages or more. Meanwhile, Sapir Whorf hypothesis relates ...
The position that the structure of a language has an impact on the cognition of its speakers is a ve...
This work concerns the linguistic relativity hypothesis, also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, w...
How are language and thinking related? The “Sapir-Whorf” hypothesis that language determines thinki...
Esta dissertação teve por objeto delinear alguns fatores relativos ao processo de emergência da leit...
According to the Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis, our view of reality is conditioned by language. In the abse...
The name Whorf has become synonymous with Linguistic Relativism and strong linguistic determinism. T...