The master’s thesis deals with linguistic relativism in the case of grammatical gender and number of two languages: English and Slovene. Firstly, the thesis presents the origins of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which is of significant importance for the development of linguistic relativism. The hypothesis met with a wide response amongst researchers: some agreed with the ideas, whereas others did not. Linguistic relativism suggests that the language one speaks shapes their perception of the world. In order to prove such statement, several experiments were conducted. In addition, the thesis outlines the main characteristics of grammatical gender and number in English and the Slovene language. The empirical part includes the analysis of the results...
The article deals with the concept of linguistic sexism in the cross-cultural context. It compares t...
Diplomová práce se zabývá genderovou nerovností se zaměřením na studijní obor tlumočnictví, konkrétn...
English is the most widely spread language of today\u27s world. Its functions exceed the ones of a l...
In recent years, research has been done in favour of neo-Whorfianism, an idea that language influenc...
Magistrsko delo raziskuje vpliv slovnice na pomnjenje večih objektov in ugotavlja, ali je slovnični ...
The article deals with the concept of linguistic sexism in the cross-cultural context. It compares t...
Jezik je eno poglavitnih sredstev za sporazumevanje: človeškega življenja brez njega si skorajda ni ...
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s temo jezika in spola, ki je v Nemčiji in Sloveniji aktualna in pereča. ...
The ever so contentious subject on the idea of whether or not the language we speak could have a dis...
Gender studies or gender theories became an integrated part of high education curriculum in majority...
V prispevku obravnavam uporabo spolno občutljivega jezika z vidika slovenskega javnega govora in rep...
Ogromnemu številu različnih jezikov navkljub, je razvoj govora, fonološki procesi in usvajanje glaso...
U radu se raspravlja o povezanosti roda i spola te o utjecaju roda na karakterizaciju govornika u od...
Slovenščina spada med spolno občutljive jezike, kajti kategorijo spola izraža pri samostalniku, prid...
Praški lingvistični krožek je nastal pod vplivom strukturalizma, ki se je v prvi polovici 20. stolet...
The article deals with the concept of linguistic sexism in the cross-cultural context. It compares t...
Diplomová práce se zabývá genderovou nerovností se zaměřením na studijní obor tlumočnictví, konkrétn...
English is the most widely spread language of today\u27s world. Its functions exceed the ones of a l...
In recent years, research has been done in favour of neo-Whorfianism, an idea that language influenc...
Magistrsko delo raziskuje vpliv slovnice na pomnjenje večih objektov in ugotavlja, ali je slovnični ...
The article deals with the concept of linguistic sexism in the cross-cultural context. It compares t...
Jezik je eno poglavitnih sredstev za sporazumevanje: človeškega življenja brez njega si skorajda ni ...
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s temo jezika in spola, ki je v Nemčiji in Sloveniji aktualna in pereča. ...
The ever so contentious subject on the idea of whether or not the language we speak could have a dis...
Gender studies or gender theories became an integrated part of high education curriculum in majority...
V prispevku obravnavam uporabo spolno občutljivega jezika z vidika slovenskega javnega govora in rep...
Ogromnemu številu različnih jezikov navkljub, je razvoj govora, fonološki procesi in usvajanje glaso...
U radu se raspravlja o povezanosti roda i spola te o utjecaju roda na karakterizaciju govornika u od...
Slovenščina spada med spolno občutljive jezike, kajti kategorijo spola izraža pri samostalniku, prid...
Praški lingvistični krožek je nastal pod vplivom strukturalizma, ki se je v prvi polovici 20. stolet...
The article deals with the concept of linguistic sexism in the cross-cultural context. It compares t...
Diplomová práce se zabývá genderovou nerovností se zaměřením na studijní obor tlumočnictví, konkrétn...
English is the most widely spread language of today\u27s world. Its functions exceed the ones of a l...