Firm’s performance and potential return on investments in its stocks are determined by many factors. However, most of portfolio optimisation methods are oriented to decision- making based on stock price changes in the past. Recent financial crisis has showed that often the biggest downfall in the period of crisis is experienced by stocks, which had the biggest growth before crisis. So decision- making based on stock price tendencies analysis by ignoring fundamental factors can be inefficient. The variety of MCDM methods was briefly described and their application possibilities for portfolio optimisation were evaluated in the article. The basic portfolio selection model, based on stocks investment attractiveness, was introduced. Particular m...
Tyrinėdamos investicinių portfelių formavimą daugelis teorijų atsižvelgia į istorinius aktyvų duomen...
The thesis focuses on the equity portfolio management with quantitative methods. We present 3 types ...
Straipsnyje analizuojami investicinių portfelių formavimo modeliai. Atlikta empirinių tyrimų analizė...
Firm's performance and potential return on investments in its stocks are determined by many factors....
Práce se zabývá problematikou teorie portfolia cenných papírů a jeho optimalizací, dále jsou zde zmí...
Investment Portfolio Formation and Optimization This bachelor thesis presents three models of invest...
Information that has to be analyzed by investors is complicated and can be interpreted differently b...
Rapid development of financial markets resulted new challenges for both investors and investment iss...
Šiuolaikinė portfelio teorija siūlo investuotojams daug metodų, kaip sudaryti optimalųjį vertybinių ...
The analysis of the portfolio theories was carried out in the article. H. Markowitz theory of an opt...
Daugelis teorijų tyrinėdamos investicinių portfelių formavimą atsižvelgia į istorinius finansinių in...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je naplnění investičních očakávání fiktivního investora, jinými slovy vo...
This thesis deals with the creation of a stock portfolio for two different investors, using multi-cr...
The investment portfolio optimization issues have been widely discussed by scholars for more than 60...
Straipsnyje suformuota investicino portfelio sudarymo etapų bei valdymo, subalansuojant investicinę ...
Tyrinėdamos investicinių portfelių formavimą daugelis teorijų atsižvelgia į istorinius aktyvų duomen...
The thesis focuses on the equity portfolio management with quantitative methods. We present 3 types ...
Straipsnyje analizuojami investicinių portfelių formavimo modeliai. Atlikta empirinių tyrimų analizė...
Firm's performance and potential return on investments in its stocks are determined by many factors....
Práce se zabývá problematikou teorie portfolia cenných papírů a jeho optimalizací, dále jsou zde zmí...
Investment Portfolio Formation and Optimization This bachelor thesis presents three models of invest...
Information that has to be analyzed by investors is complicated and can be interpreted differently b...
Rapid development of financial markets resulted new challenges for both investors and investment iss...
Šiuolaikinė portfelio teorija siūlo investuotojams daug metodų, kaip sudaryti optimalųjį vertybinių ...
The analysis of the portfolio theories was carried out in the article. H. Markowitz theory of an opt...
Daugelis teorijų tyrinėdamos investicinių portfelių formavimą atsižvelgia į istorinius finansinių in...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je naplnění investičních očakávání fiktivního investora, jinými slovy vo...
This thesis deals with the creation of a stock portfolio for two different investors, using multi-cr...
The investment portfolio optimization issues have been widely discussed by scholars for more than 60...
Straipsnyje suformuota investicino portfelio sudarymo etapų bei valdymo, subalansuojant investicinę ...
Tyrinėdamos investicinių portfelių formavimą daugelis teorijų atsižvelgia į istorinius aktyvų duomen...
The thesis focuses on the equity portfolio management with quantitative methods. We present 3 types ...
Straipsnyje analizuojami investicinių portfelių formavimo modeliai. Atlikta empirinių tyrimų analizė...