Psychological resilience is a positive adaptation, or the ability to maintain or restore mental health despite experiencing hardship. Relevant to the resilience are personality factors, biological factors, systemic factors, and there interaction. Indicators of resilience in children are school performance, symptoms of depression and anxiety, social skills, substance abuse and delinquency and indicators in adults are: employment, homelessness, substance abuse and crime. Factors of increased resilience can be divided into: public health measures, the government measures, child development, mental health in the workplace and improving cognitive reserve in the elderly. Developmental cascades try to explain how to maintain positive changes, enha...
Perėjimas iš pagrindinės mokyklos į gimnaziją, kaip į sudėtingesnę, didesnius reikalavimus keliančią...
5 Abstract Resilience, stressing out the positive aspects of personality and ways of finding sources...
The paper deals with one of the preventive concepts – resilience. The authors start with terminologi...
Koncept otpornosti danas je jedan od najvažnijih koncepata u suvremenim društvenim znanostima. Rezul...
Suvremeni koncept pozitivne psihologije i relevantnih istraživanja iz područja psihološke dobrobiti ...
Cilj ovog rada je upoznavanje s konceptom otpornosti kod djece i mladih te različitim gledištima i d...
Psychological resilience is a positive adaptation, or the ability to maintain or restore mental heal...
Tema ovog rada je razvoj otpornosti kod djece i adolescenata. U današnje vrijeme djeca su izložena...
Cilj ovog rada je opisati odrednice razvoja psihološke otpornosti djece predškolske dobi, odnosno š...
Otpornost kao znanost se javlja 60-ih i 70-ih godina te je postala predmetom proučavanja mnogobrojni...
Odporność psychiczna dziecka jest zasobem opartym na czynnikach biologicznych (temperament, stan zdr...
Defining psychological resilience is a challenge for researchers and mental health professionals. Mo...
Concept of resilience is not homogeneous and the article presents a variety of research approaches t...
The paper offers a review of literature on resilience, the term which refers to successful adaptatio...
Praca dotyczy zjawiska odporności psychicznej, które powszechnie na świecie znane jest pod terminem ...
Perėjimas iš pagrindinės mokyklos į gimnaziją, kaip į sudėtingesnę, didesnius reikalavimus keliančią...
5 Abstract Resilience, stressing out the positive aspects of personality and ways of finding sources...
The paper deals with one of the preventive concepts – resilience. The authors start with terminologi...
Koncept otpornosti danas je jedan od najvažnijih koncepata u suvremenim društvenim znanostima. Rezul...
Suvremeni koncept pozitivne psihologije i relevantnih istraživanja iz područja psihološke dobrobiti ...
Cilj ovog rada je upoznavanje s konceptom otpornosti kod djece i mladih te različitim gledištima i d...
Psychological resilience is a positive adaptation, or the ability to maintain or restore mental heal...
Tema ovog rada je razvoj otpornosti kod djece i adolescenata. U današnje vrijeme djeca su izložena...
Cilj ovog rada je opisati odrednice razvoja psihološke otpornosti djece predškolske dobi, odnosno š...
Otpornost kao znanost se javlja 60-ih i 70-ih godina te je postala predmetom proučavanja mnogobrojni...
Odporność psychiczna dziecka jest zasobem opartym na czynnikach biologicznych (temperament, stan zdr...
Defining psychological resilience is a challenge for researchers and mental health professionals. Mo...
Concept of resilience is not homogeneous and the article presents a variety of research approaches t...
The paper offers a review of literature on resilience, the term which refers to successful adaptatio...
Praca dotyczy zjawiska odporności psychicznej, które powszechnie na świecie znane jest pod terminem ...
Perėjimas iš pagrindinės mokyklos į gimnaziją, kaip į sudėtingesnę, didesnius reikalavimus keliančią...
5 Abstract Resilience, stressing out the positive aspects of personality and ways of finding sources...
The paper deals with one of the preventive concepts – resilience. The authors start with terminologi...