Denne oppgåva er ei lesing av korleis Josefine Klougart sine romanar Stigninger og fald (2010) og New Forest (2016) rommar ulike erfaring- og opplevingsmåtar av stad. Målet er å identifisere, skildre og analysere det som den irske forfattaren Seamus Heaney kallar the sense of place i dei to romanane. Lesinga undersøker kva slags emosjonell og psykologisk effekt staden kan ha for romanpersonane, og kva rolle erindringa har for måten dei nærmar seg staden. Oppgåva hentar sin teoretiske bakgrunn i Heaney sitt essay «The Sense of Place», og Dan Ringgaard sitt moderne og kosmopolitiske stadomgrep i essaysamlinga Stedssans (2010). I tillegg vil oppgåva undersøke og samanlikne den stadlege tankemåten som kjem til syne i romanane, med eit utval his...
A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experience...
This thesis is an explorative excursion into the concept of place creation and place construction. I...
Finnish-Swedish artist and writer Tove Jansson (1914–2001), widely known as the author of the Moomin...
Denne oppgåva er ei lesing av korleis Josefine Klougart sine romanar Stigninger og fald (2010) og Ne...
Doktorgradsavhandling, Fakultet for humaniora og pedagogikk, Universitetet i Agder, 2014Cultural mem...
Place is a fluid concept, and to study place is to explore a contested terrain. The question of plac...
In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized ...
’n Ondersoek na die belewing van plek en die veranderende aard daarvan in die verhaal “Bloed” (uit ...
There are many facets to the ways in which we experience places. Each individual links places with o...
This thesis examines the representation of landscape and place across a range of genres of contempor...
Denna rapport presenterar en studie som gjorts i samarbete med Södra Skogsägarna. Syftet med studien...
Place is more than setting. Using psychogeographical methods and framed by critical theory, this pra...
In this thesis I have studied a particular place located east in Trondheim, Norway. This place, call...
This thesis explores the role of things in the literary work Storgården. En bok om ett hem, by write...
The topic of the thesis is the relation between the concepts house and home in Ibsen s drama. I ...
A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experience...
This thesis is an explorative excursion into the concept of place creation and place construction. I...
Finnish-Swedish artist and writer Tove Jansson (1914–2001), widely known as the author of the Moomin...
Denne oppgåva er ei lesing av korleis Josefine Klougart sine romanar Stigninger og fald (2010) og Ne...
Doktorgradsavhandling, Fakultet for humaniora og pedagogikk, Universitetet i Agder, 2014Cultural mem...
Place is a fluid concept, and to study place is to explore a contested terrain. The question of plac...
In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized ...
’n Ondersoek na die belewing van plek en die veranderende aard daarvan in die verhaal “Bloed” (uit ...
There are many facets to the ways in which we experience places. Each individual links places with o...
This thesis examines the representation of landscape and place across a range of genres of contempor...
Denna rapport presenterar en studie som gjorts i samarbete med Södra Skogsägarna. Syftet med studien...
Place is more than setting. Using psychogeographical methods and framed by critical theory, this pra...
In this thesis I have studied a particular place located east in Trondheim, Norway. This place, call...
This thesis explores the role of things in the literary work Storgården. En bok om ett hem, by write...
The topic of the thesis is the relation between the concepts house and home in Ibsen s drama. I ...
A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experience...
This thesis is an explorative excursion into the concept of place creation and place construction. I...
Finnish-Swedish artist and writer Tove Jansson (1914–2001), widely known as the author of the Moomin...