A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experienced by many different visitors and from many different perspectives. Places can be produced and consumed and represent relationships between people or between people and places. This work focuses questions about the visitors’ experiences of a place as well as the intent of their visit. Place image is produced by authorities and tourist organizations in order to give a positive image of the place. Tourists are offered places to visit and base their expectations on the way in which these places are marketed. In addition, the visitors’ own self-images play a part when it comes to choosing places to visit. In an individual’s use of a place, pr...
Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at v...
The role of emotional connections to places has largely been studied with a focus on place visitors....
It has become increasingly common for cities and municipalities to take greater account of the place...
A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experience...
This thesis is an explorative excursion into the concept of place creation and place construction. I...
Denna uppsats tar sitt avstamp i en enkel fundering; varför är det så många platser som ser ut att v...
Today there is great competition between municipality, regions and countries when it comes to people...
Denna studie handlar om hur platser beskrivs genom den berättande retoriken och den visuella kulture...
Pictures are often used when marketing a tourist destination. Photographs of a place, a destination,...
This study is based on tourists perceptions and reflections about their own behaviour when they trav...
The purpose of this study is to analyze how places can be marketed through tourism brochures. The st...
Syfte och Forskningsfråga Följande flerfallsstudie behandlar relationen mellan fenomenet filmturism ...
The purpose of this study has been to research how the low season affects tourism and how destinatio...
Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at v...
The role of emotional connections to places has largely been studied with a focus on place visitors....
It has become increasingly common for cities and municipalities to take greater account of the place...
A place becomes a place when it means something to someone. A place can simultaneously be experience...
This thesis is an explorative excursion into the concept of place creation and place construction. I...
Denna uppsats tar sitt avstamp i en enkel fundering; varför är det så många platser som ser ut att v...
Today there is great competition between municipality, regions and countries when it comes to people...
Denna studie handlar om hur platser beskrivs genom den berättande retoriken och den visuella kulture...
Pictures are often used when marketing a tourist destination. Photographs of a place, a destination,...
This study is based on tourists perceptions and reflections about their own behaviour when they trav...
The purpose of this study is to analyze how places can be marketed through tourism brochures. The st...
Syfte och Forskningsfråga Följande flerfallsstudie behandlar relationen mellan fenomenet filmturism ...
The purpose of this study has been to research how the low season affects tourism and how destinatio...
Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at v...
The role of emotional connections to places has largely been studied with a focus on place visitors....
It has become increasingly common for cities and municipalities to take greater account of the place...