AbstrakPengaturan pengupahan minimum terhadap tenaga kerja di Indonesia sebelumnya diatur melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2015 dimana pengaturan pengupahan terhadap hak penerima upah yang dirasakan oleh tenagakerja. Namun,yang terbaru pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2021 tentang pengupahan bahwa “setiap Pekerja/Buruh berhak memperoleh Upah yang sama untuk pekerjaan yang sama nilainya”. Arti secara perkembangan pengaturan pengupahan terus dilakukan demi mampu menerima pembaruan baik aspek sosial maupun ekonomi. Indonesia hingga saat ini tidak meratifikasi ILO Convention Number 131, 1970 tentang Pengupahan minimum. Standar penetapan upah sesuai konvensi 131 adalah kebutuhan dari pekerja dan keluarganya, dengan mempertimb...
The emerge of pros and cons as always on the issue of minimum wages was a fact that indicates that w...
ABSTRAKPersoalan upah dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan berbagai variasi didalamnya menjadi masala...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
AbstrakPengaturan pengupahan minimum terhadap tenaga kerja di Indonesia sebelumnya diatur melalui Pe...
Pengaturan pengupahan minimum terhadap tenaga kerja di Indonesia sebelumnya diatur melalui Peraturan...
The existence of Pancasila Industrial Relations in Indonesia, which consists of three parties namely...
The aim of this research is to determine the progress of minimum wage policy inIndonesia, and their ...
In the effort of creating appropiare wage for employees, it is necessary to determine the wages by c...
Recently, Indonesian government released new regulations about RegionalMinimum Wages (UMR). The dete...
The implementation of the minimum wage policy known to Indonesia is the provincial minimum wage (PMW...
Since Independent day, Indonesian labor never get a better change, it still can't increase the labor...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
The results of the study show that legally it is emphasized that employers/companies are prohibit...
The emerge of pros and cons as always on the issue of minimum wages was a fact that indicates that w...
ABSTRAKPersoalan upah dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan berbagai variasi didalamnya menjadi masala...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
AbstrakPengaturan pengupahan minimum terhadap tenaga kerja di Indonesia sebelumnya diatur melalui Pe...
Pengaturan pengupahan minimum terhadap tenaga kerja di Indonesia sebelumnya diatur melalui Peraturan...
The existence of Pancasila Industrial Relations in Indonesia, which consists of three parties namely...
The aim of this research is to determine the progress of minimum wage policy inIndonesia, and their ...
In the effort of creating appropiare wage for employees, it is necessary to determine the wages by c...
Recently, Indonesian government released new regulations about RegionalMinimum Wages (UMR). The dete...
The implementation of the minimum wage policy known to Indonesia is the provincial minimum wage (PMW...
Since Independent day, Indonesian labor never get a better change, it still can't increase the labor...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
The results of the study show that legally it is emphasized that employers/companies are prohibit...
The emerge of pros and cons as always on the issue of minimum wages was a fact that indicates that w...
ABSTRAKPersoalan upah dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan berbagai variasi didalamnya menjadi masala...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...