This paper provides a retrospective account of efforts, from 2007 to 2013, to establish a community-managed protected area just south of Ankarana National Park that would encompass the limestone massif known locally as Tsingy Mahaloka and adjacent remnant forest patches. Community members of the rural commune of Antsiravibe came together in 2007 and, with support from the Peace Corps, formed KOFAMA (Koperativa Fikambanana Ankarabe Mitsinjo Arivo) to oversee management of the Tsingy Mahaloka site. When KOFAMA was initially established, Tsingy Mahaloka was envisioned as an ecotourist destination. Ecotourism is a pillar of the new IUCN “Lemurs of Madagascar” conservation action plan (2013–2016), and can allow rural communities to (i) secure re...