Many people study at university because they want to work in a specific profession, or perhaps gain employment with better conditions. This chapter outlines some steps that you can be taking now, while you are a student, to increase your employability when applying for work after you graduate. These activities do not need to be time consuming and many will also be helpful to you as a student learning in your field of study. It’s not too early to start thinking about your post-university employment, and many of the activities suggested in this chapter can be undertaken now, regardless of how far you are through your studies. This chapter begins by discussing the importance of having a general career plan and then describes some activities ...
abstract: This thesis presents a single source of what students may do during and soon after college...
Universities worldwide are being subjected to increasingly strident calls to provide employable grad...
How can universities ensure that they are preparing their students for today's competitive job marke...
In higher education, non-traditional students experience a range of challenges, from aspiration and ...
Although employability is high on the university agenda worldwide, there are no common ingredients f...
In the light of emerging challenges to traditional employment patterns, not least, global competitio...
Career planning is something that needs to be considered throughout your research degree studies, an...
You’re Hired! Graduate Career Handbook is the complete guide to career planning and job hunting for ...
Sustainable employability includes an ability to market oneself (prepare cover letters and résumés, ...
The major purpose of this study was to determine the extent of effectiveness of learning employabili...
This chapter focuses on preparing students for the university-to-work transition, predominantly from...
Debates surrounding the ability of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to produce work-ready gradua...
This chapter discusses graduate employment and examines the expectations of both employers and new g...
This project responded to growing social and economic demands for higher education graduates who can...
AbstractEmployability in higher education aims to prepare students for employment in accordance with...
abstract: This thesis presents a single source of what students may do during and soon after college...
Universities worldwide are being subjected to increasingly strident calls to provide employable grad...
How can universities ensure that they are preparing their students for today's competitive job marke...
In higher education, non-traditional students experience a range of challenges, from aspiration and ...
Although employability is high on the university agenda worldwide, there are no common ingredients f...
In the light of emerging challenges to traditional employment patterns, not least, global competitio...
Career planning is something that needs to be considered throughout your research degree studies, an...
You’re Hired! Graduate Career Handbook is the complete guide to career planning and job hunting for ...
Sustainable employability includes an ability to market oneself (prepare cover letters and résumés, ...
The major purpose of this study was to determine the extent of effectiveness of learning employabili...
This chapter focuses on preparing students for the university-to-work transition, predominantly from...
Debates surrounding the ability of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to produce work-ready gradua...
This chapter discusses graduate employment and examines the expectations of both employers and new g...
This project responded to growing social and economic demands for higher education graduates who can...
AbstractEmployability in higher education aims to prepare students for employment in accordance with...
abstract: This thesis presents a single source of what students may do during and soon after college...
Universities worldwide are being subjected to increasingly strident calls to provide employable grad...
How can universities ensure that they are preparing their students for today's competitive job marke...