Šio tyrimo tikslas išbandyti didelio populiarumo visame pasaulyje sulaukusį smėlio dėžės tipo vaizdo žaidimą Minecraft su devintos klasės mokiniais dailės pamokose ir nustatyti ar šis žaidimas gali paskatinti mokinių kūrybiškumą. Tyrimo metu naudota specialiai švietimui skirta žaidimo versija. Žaidimas žaistas virtualiai, sukurtas vienas bendras visai klasei pasaulis, kuriame mokiniai kūrė savotišką galeriją, o meno kūriniai buvo statomi tiek dirbant grupėje, tiek individualiai. Inovacijos taikymo metu mokiniams pateiktos trys skirtingos užduotys – atkartoti žinomus dailės kūrinius, statyti individualiai pasirinktus objektus, sukurti bendrą klasės darbą. Tyrimo metu atskleista, kad mokiniai pozityviai priima idėją populiarų vaizdo žaidimą ...
This study explores the educational benefits of video games and video game based learning. Specifica...
In recent years, the technological revolution has changed the way we see reality and interact with i...
Children’s interest in playing popular video games could be utilized for learning and educational pu...
V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali Minecraft, graditeljsko preživitveno videoigro švedskega programer...
The relationship between two-dimensional elements and three-dimensional objects is an abstract proce...
The eruption of ICTs in our society posed the question of how to integrate technology into education...
Research has shown the educational benefits of using the video game Minecraft in areas such as scien...
Diplomdarbs ir izstrādāts ar mērķi izpētīt Minecraft spēles digitālās vides izmantošanas iespējas, l...
The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils' and teachers' experiences of using the simulato...
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether playing Minecraft actually makes you more cr...
Based on the experience of Lithuania and foreign researchers and practitioners, the article analyses...
Maģistra darbā “Virtuālā mācību platforma Minecraft Education Edition skolēnu programmēšanas prasmju...
Igrifikacija je pojam koji se koristi za pretvaranje računalnih igara u sredstva za učenje i poučava...
Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli kehittää toimeksiantajalle valmis palvelinpohja pelikasvatuskäyttöön. P...
Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla kunskap om hur lärare kan använda Minecraft i sin undervisni...
This study explores the educational benefits of video games and video game based learning. Specifica...
In recent years, the technological revolution has changed the way we see reality and interact with i...
Children’s interest in playing popular video games could be utilized for learning and educational pu...
V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali Minecraft, graditeljsko preživitveno videoigro švedskega programer...
The relationship between two-dimensional elements and three-dimensional objects is an abstract proce...
The eruption of ICTs in our society posed the question of how to integrate technology into education...
Research has shown the educational benefits of using the video game Minecraft in areas such as scien...
Diplomdarbs ir izstrādāts ar mērķi izpētīt Minecraft spēles digitālās vides izmantošanas iespējas, l...
The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils' and teachers' experiences of using the simulato...
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether playing Minecraft actually makes you more cr...
Based on the experience of Lithuania and foreign researchers and practitioners, the article analyses...
Maģistra darbā “Virtuālā mācību platforma Minecraft Education Edition skolēnu programmēšanas prasmju...
Igrifikacija je pojam koji se koristi za pretvaranje računalnih igara u sredstva za učenje i poučava...
Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli kehittää toimeksiantajalle valmis palvelinpohja pelikasvatuskäyttöön. P...
Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla kunskap om hur lärare kan använda Minecraft i sin undervisni...
This study explores the educational benefits of video games and video game based learning. Specifica...
In recent years, the technological revolution has changed the way we see reality and interact with i...
Children’s interest in playing popular video games could be utilized for learning and educational pu...