(A) Adult antenna expressing Endo-Orco:GFP and or42b>tdTomato (or42bGal4/UAS-tdTomato) marking the ab1-type sensilla (arrowhead). (B, C) Ciliary volume (mean ± S.D.) marked by tdTomato expressed in all OSNs (B) and the tdTomato fluorescence intensity (mean ± S.D.) in the cilia of Or42b specific OSNs (C) during 0–6 hours AE. The pairwise significance of difference was estimated using one-way ANOVA test, p-values (*p (TIF)</p
<p>Immunostaining for OR22a/b (red) and GFP:OR83b (α-GFP, green) in antennal sections of control het...
<p>(A) Average lengths of sensory cilia of the ASI neurons in indicated strains. (B) Average lengths...
<p>Each triangle represents one subject, with nonsmokers represented by green triangles, healthy smo...
(A-B) Fluorescence micrographs (A) and plot profiles (B) of Endo-Orco:GFP distribution (mean ± S.E.M...
(A) Immunostaining with anti-Orco antibody shows Orco localisation in cilia inside s. basiconica of ...
(A) Organization of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the adult third antennal segment marked by c...
(A) Endo-Orco:GFP localisation inside the ab1-type s. basiconica from Control (Endo-Orco:GFP; +), an...
(A) Fluorescence micrographs of cilia in s. bascionica showing localisation of Oseg-2:GFP, GFP:Tubul...
(A) Total fluorescence intensity (a) and volume (mean ± S.E.M.) of ciliary OS (b) inside s. basiconi...
(A) Fluorescence intensity micrographs of Endo-Orco:GFP along the ciliary OS of ab1-type s. basiconi...
(A) GFP:Orco localisation in cilia of s. basiconica (arrow), in 96-h APF and two-day-old control and...
(A) Ciliary localisation of Endo-Orco:GFP, cytoskeleton markers- GFP:Tubulin84B and Jupiter:GFP; sol...
(A-B) Surface plots for total (A) and normalised intensity (B) distributions of Endo-Orco:GFP along ...
(A) Fluorescence recovery of Endo-Orco:GFP after photobleaching (FRAP) in the ciliary OS in s. basic...
(A-D) Total fluorescence intensity (mean ± S.E.M) of Endo-Orco:GFP in the ciliary OS and the dendrit...
<p>Immunostaining for OR22a/b (red) and GFP:OR83b (α-GFP, green) in antennal sections of control het...
<p>(A) Average lengths of sensory cilia of the ASI neurons in indicated strains. (B) Average lengths...
<p>Each triangle represents one subject, with nonsmokers represented by green triangles, healthy smo...
(A-B) Fluorescence micrographs (A) and plot profiles (B) of Endo-Orco:GFP distribution (mean ± S.E.M...
(A) Immunostaining with anti-Orco antibody shows Orco localisation in cilia inside s. basiconica of ...
(A) Organization of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the adult third antennal segment marked by c...
(A) Endo-Orco:GFP localisation inside the ab1-type s. basiconica from Control (Endo-Orco:GFP; +), an...
(A) Fluorescence micrographs of cilia in s. bascionica showing localisation of Oseg-2:GFP, GFP:Tubul...
(A) Total fluorescence intensity (a) and volume (mean ± S.E.M.) of ciliary OS (b) inside s. basiconi...
(A) Fluorescence intensity micrographs of Endo-Orco:GFP along the ciliary OS of ab1-type s. basiconi...
(A) GFP:Orco localisation in cilia of s. basiconica (arrow), in 96-h APF and two-day-old control and...
(A) Ciliary localisation of Endo-Orco:GFP, cytoskeleton markers- GFP:Tubulin84B and Jupiter:GFP; sol...
(A-B) Surface plots for total (A) and normalised intensity (B) distributions of Endo-Orco:GFP along ...
(A) Fluorescence recovery of Endo-Orco:GFP after photobleaching (FRAP) in the ciliary OS in s. basic...
(A-D) Total fluorescence intensity (mean ± S.E.M) of Endo-Orco:GFP in the ciliary OS and the dendrit...
<p>Immunostaining for OR22a/b (red) and GFP:OR83b (α-GFP, green) in antennal sections of control het...
<p>(A) Average lengths of sensory cilia of the ASI neurons in indicated strains. (B) Average lengths...
<p>Each triangle represents one subject, with nonsmokers represented by green triangles, healthy smo...