The British Academy hosted a series of events for their Summer Showcase (June 2020), which had to move online because of the pandemic. The Digital Dinner Party was hosted by artist (and founder of AVM Curiosities) Tasha Marks and featured Rachel Rich, who talked about our project while preparing a pie fit for a king. Watch the recording of the Digital Dinner Party here... The Digital Dinner Party video, recorded 19 June 2020
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...
Chloë Brown's event/performance 'The Detroit Dinner Service' took place in one of the Lodges in the ...
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...
Did you miss your chance to watch Rachel Rich and Lisa Smith speak at the Being Human Festival? Neve...
We're so excited to be a part of the Being Human Festival this November! Please join Rachel Rich an...
This is a full-length video, recorded and edited by videographer Nacho Durán, using footage from per...
On 27 February 2020, Rachel Rich and Lisa Smith presented at the IHR Food History seminar. The Ki...
The Deborah D51 World War One Tank research was invited by AHRC to take part in the BBC MuseumFromH...
A special event organised by Manchester University as part of their London based programme of events...
'Dinnerfor1' is a 4 monitor video and sound installation which was first exhibited at the British Co...
Organiser of two-day intensive programme that took as its focus the role that digital technologies p...
'Random Acts: Artist Interventions into Broadcast', FACT, Liverpool, 2012 was a one day event of dis...
To coincide with the release of the GCSE results and the screening of Art Party by Tim Newton & Bob ...
“The Dinner Party” B.F.A. thesis exhibit was displayed in the John A. Day Gallery April 23 – 27, 201...
The UK has in recent years undergone a digital revolution. New technologies such as digital TV, musi...
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...
Chloë Brown's event/performance 'The Detroit Dinner Service' took place in one of the Lodges in the ...
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...
Did you miss your chance to watch Rachel Rich and Lisa Smith speak at the Being Human Festival? Neve...
We're so excited to be a part of the Being Human Festival this November! Please join Rachel Rich an...
This is a full-length video, recorded and edited by videographer Nacho Durán, using footage from per...
On 27 February 2020, Rachel Rich and Lisa Smith presented at the IHR Food History seminar. The Ki...
The Deborah D51 World War One Tank research was invited by AHRC to take part in the BBC MuseumFromH...
A special event organised by Manchester University as part of their London based programme of events...
'Dinnerfor1' is a 4 monitor video and sound installation which was first exhibited at the British Co...
Organiser of two-day intensive programme that took as its focus the role that digital technologies p...
'Random Acts: Artist Interventions into Broadcast', FACT, Liverpool, 2012 was a one day event of dis...
To coincide with the release of the GCSE results and the screening of Art Party by Tim Newton & Bob ...
“The Dinner Party” B.F.A. thesis exhibit was displayed in the John A. Day Gallery April 23 – 27, 201...
The UK has in recent years undergone a digital revolution. New technologies such as digital TV, musi...
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...
Chloë Brown's event/performance 'The Detroit Dinner Service' took place in one of the Lodges in the ...
The Centre for SMART at Loughborough University collaborated with the Internet of Food Things Networ...