Clinica Medicală No1 USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuThe aim of study was to asses the lipids levels in coronary patients, according to European guidelines. The results of the study showed a poor control of the low density lipoproteinscholesterol, identified as an important vascular risk factor and a therapeutic option in dyslipidemia management. Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea valorilor lipidice la pacientii coronarieni, conform ghidurilor europene. Rezultatele studiului au arătat un control parţial al colesterolului lipoproteinelor de densitate joasă, identificat ca un factor important de risc vascular şi o ţintă terapeutică în managementul dislipidemiei
Colangiopancreatografi a endoscopică retrogradă este o procedură efectuată tot mai frecvent şi contr...
Basado en el Documento del Cuarto Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología y ...
The first European guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias produced jointly by the European ...
Universitatea Stat Medicină şi Farmacie N.Testemiţanu, Catedra Medicină Internă No 5, SCM Sfănta T...
Catedra Medicină Internă nr. 5 USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our understanding of cardiac markers transf...
AIMS. Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common genetic cause of premature coronary heart di...
Ievads: Kardiovaskulārās slimības (KVS) mirstības ziņā joprojām ieņem pirmo vietu pasaulē. Latvijā 2...
U nedavno objavljenim europskim smjernicama uvedena je nova klasifikacija bolesnika u četiri kategor...
peer reviewedClinical lipidology has gained its recognition with the publication of numerous clinica...
Experts' guidelines for the management of dyslipidemias differ from country to country, with importa...
Clinical trials have demonstrated that statins greatly reduce cardiovascular-related morbility and m...
peer reviewedFixed combination atorvastatin-perindopril (Lipercosyl®) for substitution treatment of ...
peer reviewedStatins, the most popular lipid-lowering agents, have proven their efficacy in preventi...
La resinas, los fibratos y estatinas constituyen los fármacos hipolipemiantes utilizados en España c...
peer reviewedThe pharmacological treatment of dyslipidaemia, essentially by statins, should take pla...
Colangiopancreatografi a endoscopică retrogradă este o procedură efectuată tot mai frecvent şi contr...
Basado en el Documento del Cuarto Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología y ...
The first European guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias produced jointly by the European ...
Universitatea Stat Medicină şi Farmacie N.Testemiţanu, Catedra Medicină Internă No 5, SCM Sfănta T...
Catedra Medicină Internă nr. 5 USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our understanding of cardiac markers transf...
AIMS. Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common genetic cause of premature coronary heart di...
Ievads: Kardiovaskulārās slimības (KVS) mirstības ziņā joprojām ieņem pirmo vietu pasaulē. Latvijā 2...
U nedavno objavljenim europskim smjernicama uvedena je nova klasifikacija bolesnika u četiri kategor...
peer reviewedClinical lipidology has gained its recognition with the publication of numerous clinica...
Experts' guidelines for the management of dyslipidemias differ from country to country, with importa...
Clinical trials have demonstrated that statins greatly reduce cardiovascular-related morbility and m...
peer reviewedFixed combination atorvastatin-perindopril (Lipercosyl®) for substitution treatment of ...
peer reviewedStatins, the most popular lipid-lowering agents, have proven their efficacy in preventi...
La resinas, los fibratos y estatinas constituyen los fármacos hipolipemiantes utilizados en España c...
peer reviewedThe pharmacological treatment of dyslipidaemia, essentially by statins, should take pla...
Colangiopancreatografi a endoscopică retrogradă este o procedură efectuată tot mai frecvent şi contr...
Basado en el Documento del Cuarto Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología y ...
The first European guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias produced jointly by the European ...