321.24 TRANSPLANTOLOGIE. Rezumatul tezei de doctor în științe medicale[...]INTRODUCERE Actualitatea şi importanţa problemei abordate. Transplantologia ca ramură a științei medicale și transplantul au progresat considerabil în ultimele decenii. Transplantul de țesuturi și celule umane a înregistrat o creștere ascendentă a ratei de succes, nu doar în ceea ce privește numărul grefelor transplantate, dar și în ceea ce ține de extinderea indicațiilor terapeutice. În fiecare an, în lume, mii de pacienți beneficiază de transplant de țesuturi și celule [1]. Ca și în cazul transplantului de organe, cererea pentru anumite țesuturi și celule umane cu scop de transplant depășește cu mult cantitatea disponibilă. Mai multe studii atestă faptul că prov...
Organ transplantation is a life-saving people affected, which the body is unwieldy to live. This met...
The evaluation of the transplant system in the Republic of Moldova is a form of health policy survey...
Cells, tissues and organs banks are specialised facilities in hospitals or medical institutions perf...
321.24 TRANSPLANTOLOGIE. Rezumatul tezei de doctor în științe medicale[...]INTRODUCERE Actualitat...
Introduction. The successful history of tissue transplantation in the Republic of Moldova has its or...
Transplantology Department, Transplant Agency, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cells Cultures N...
Shortage of organ donation is the main challenge in transplantation all around the world. In Romania...
[...] INTRODUCERE Actualitatea şi importanţa problemei abordate Transplantologia ca ramură a știin...
Human Tissue Bank, Republic of Moldova, Transplant Agency of the Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Co...
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that in the Republic of Belarus a large number of peo...
Pe baza legislației interne și externe, autorul ia în considerare o serie de probleme problematice ...
Many countries built their own models of transplantation, collaborating to exchange knowledge and do...
A report is delivered on the First International Congress of the Transplantation Society (Paris 1967...
The article presents the review on the problems of the cells transplantation, particularly the stem ...
V bakalářské práci jsme se zabývali odběry, darováním a transplantací orgánů a tkání od zemřelých d...
Organ transplantation is a life-saving people affected, which the body is unwieldy to live. This met...
The evaluation of the transplant system in the Republic of Moldova is a form of health policy survey...
Cells, tissues and organs banks are specialised facilities in hospitals or medical institutions perf...
321.24 TRANSPLANTOLOGIE. Rezumatul tezei de doctor în științe medicale[...]INTRODUCERE Actualitat...
Introduction. The successful history of tissue transplantation in the Republic of Moldova has its or...
Transplantology Department, Transplant Agency, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cells Cultures N...
Shortage of organ donation is the main challenge in transplantation all around the world. In Romania...
[...] INTRODUCERE Actualitatea şi importanţa problemei abordate Transplantologia ca ramură a știin...
Human Tissue Bank, Republic of Moldova, Transplant Agency of the Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Co...
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that in the Republic of Belarus a large number of peo...
Pe baza legislației interne și externe, autorul ia în considerare o serie de probleme problematice ...
Many countries built their own models of transplantation, collaborating to exchange knowledge and do...
A report is delivered on the First International Congress of the Transplantation Society (Paris 1967...
The article presents the review on the problems of the cells transplantation, particularly the stem ...
V bakalářské práci jsme se zabývali odběry, darováním a transplantací orgánů a tkání od zemřelých d...
Organ transplantation is a life-saving people affected, which the body is unwieldy to live. This met...
The evaluation of the transplant system in the Republic of Moldova is a form of health policy survey...
Cells, tissues and organs banks are specialised facilities in hospitals or medical institutions perf...