From the beginning of the 18 ᵗʰ century the Latin language was flourishing again in Hungary. is is also shown in the amount of poetry produced: a lot of poems were wrien in Latin, partly in manuscripts and partly in printing. Most of them belong to the genre of elegy which arises some problems. Firstly, what was regarded as elegy in this period: a genre or a form? Secondly, because of the fact that versification was schoolwork (the Jesuit education was excelling at it), and every student had to learn writing poems, the quality of the poems is varying. Different schoolbooks, works of poetics and lecture notes (for instance Cypriano Soarez, Lukas Mösch, Antonius Hellmayr etc.) discuss how to make a perfect piece in this genre. Hellm...
Commemorating Professor György Székely. This professor of history of Loránt Eötvös University of Art...
The main aim of Common Core Curriculum is to educate pupils for readers, which can not be solved jus...
A mai nyugati kultúra időtlennek tűnő cédrusfája a keresztény vallásban gyökerezik, ám e vallásnak i...
Tanulmányunkban három XV. századi humanista költő bukolikus költeményeit vizsgáljuk. Caspar Tribrach...
The topic of the paper is the analysis of a single genre in the first volume of Régi Magyar Drámai ...
János Thordai (ca. 1597—1636) was an interesting figure of the late humanist Unitarian intellectual ...
The subject of the study is a narrative source which is only known from oral tradition. There have n...
This article focuses on Angelo Poliziano’s letter written in 1494 to Gioviano Pontano on the occasio...
A tanulmány „A három ősi vátesz a Corvina-könyvtárban” című írás folytatása, amely szintén a Corvina...
Annak ellenére, hogy Pázmány Péternek (1570-1637) a gráci egyetemen tartott metafizikai tárgyú előad...
Mihály Fazekas’ well-known writing titled “Lúdas Matyi” (Mattie the Goose-boy) is one of the most de...
The culture of civic concert, which appeared and spread beyond the princely courts of the aristocrac...
Rarely do students of classical philology have the opportunity that a few of my fellow students and ...
A XV. század közepe táján a kereszténység előtti kultúrák iránti érdeklődés megnövekedésével egyidej...
The Rich Man's play (dúsgazdagolás), according to the definition in the first volume of Encyclopaedi...
Commemorating Professor György Székely. This professor of history of Loránt Eötvös University of Art...
The main aim of Common Core Curriculum is to educate pupils for readers, which can not be solved jus...
A mai nyugati kultúra időtlennek tűnő cédrusfája a keresztény vallásban gyökerezik, ám e vallásnak i...
Tanulmányunkban három XV. századi humanista költő bukolikus költeményeit vizsgáljuk. Caspar Tribrach...
The topic of the paper is the analysis of a single genre in the first volume of Régi Magyar Drámai ...
János Thordai (ca. 1597—1636) was an interesting figure of the late humanist Unitarian intellectual ...
The subject of the study is a narrative source which is only known from oral tradition. There have n...
This article focuses on Angelo Poliziano’s letter written in 1494 to Gioviano Pontano on the occasio...
A tanulmány „A három ősi vátesz a Corvina-könyvtárban” című írás folytatása, amely szintén a Corvina...
Annak ellenére, hogy Pázmány Péternek (1570-1637) a gráci egyetemen tartott metafizikai tárgyú előad...
Mihály Fazekas’ well-known writing titled “Lúdas Matyi” (Mattie the Goose-boy) is one of the most de...
The culture of civic concert, which appeared and spread beyond the princely courts of the aristocrac...
Rarely do students of classical philology have the opportunity that a few of my fellow students and ...
A XV. század közepe táján a kereszténység előtti kultúrák iránti érdeklődés megnövekedésével egyidej...
The Rich Man's play (dúsgazdagolás), according to the definition in the first volume of Encyclopaedi...
Commemorating Professor György Székely. This professor of history of Loránt Eötvös University of Art...
The main aim of Common Core Curriculum is to educate pupils for readers, which can not be solved jus...
A mai nyugati kultúra időtlennek tűnő cédrusfája a keresztény vallásban gyökerezik, ám e vallásnak i...