Sparčiai augant akvakultūros produktų paklausai, vis daugiau žuvies auginama uždarose apytakinėse sistemose. Naudojant tinkamą apytakinio vandens valymo sistemą (mechaninį, biologinį filtravimą, degazavimą, prisotinimą deguonimi, dezinfekciją ir kt.) taupomi vandens ištekliai ir užimamos teritorijos plotai, didinamas užauginamos produkcijos kiekis viename kubiniame metre bei tausojamos gamtinės žuvų populiacijos. Tyrimo metu buvo atlikta keturių žuvininkystės ūkių apytakinio vandens kokybės analizė. Gauti rezultatai lyginti su literatūroje pateikiamomis rekomenduojamomis vandens kokybės parametrų vertėmis ir visais atvejais nenustatyta leistinų normų viršijimų, žuvys auginamos tinkamomis sąlygomis visuose keturiuose ūkiuose. Darbe nagr...
ABSTRACT Catfish is one type of freshwater fish that is quite popular with the people of Indo...
This study aims to determine the effect of adding probiotics to water quality, Bacillus sp populatio...
The use of chemotherapy in treating and enhancing the growth of fish has been widely criticized due ...
Su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde hastalıklar, üretimi ve ticareti sınırlayan en önemli etken olarak b...
Dünyada ve ülkemizde su ürünlerine olan talep gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Besin değeri yüksek olan öze...
This study aimed to establish the impact of commercial probiotics on European catfish growth paramet...
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:18:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Celina Sarmento M...
Microorganisms are of great importance to aquaculture where they occur naturally, and can be added a...
In order to mitigate the effects of water pollution in the aquaculture farms, the results of probiot...
Kiinnostus kiertovesilaitoksiin (RAS) on kasvamassa, koska niissä kalaa voidaan viljellä ekologisest...
Magistritöö Kalanduse ja rakendusökoloogia õppekavalAkvapoonika on võimalus saada ühe sisendi lisam...
As the aquaculture sector significantly expanded worldwide in the past decades, the concept of susta...
ABSTRACT The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of using probiotic (Bacillus licheniformi...
Abstract. The world community associates the solution of the problem of food security with the devel...
Aquaculture is a multidisciplinary activity, more complex than agriculture due to the multidimension...
ABSTRACT Catfish is one type of freshwater fish that is quite popular with the people of Indo...
This study aims to determine the effect of adding probiotics to water quality, Bacillus sp populatio...
The use of chemotherapy in treating and enhancing the growth of fish has been widely criticized due ...
Su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde hastalıklar, üretimi ve ticareti sınırlayan en önemli etken olarak b...
Dünyada ve ülkemizde su ürünlerine olan talep gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Besin değeri yüksek olan öze...
This study aimed to establish the impact of commercial probiotics on European catfish growth paramet...
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:18:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Celina Sarmento M...
Microorganisms are of great importance to aquaculture where they occur naturally, and can be added a...
In order to mitigate the effects of water pollution in the aquaculture farms, the results of probiot...
Kiinnostus kiertovesilaitoksiin (RAS) on kasvamassa, koska niissä kalaa voidaan viljellä ekologisest...
Magistritöö Kalanduse ja rakendusökoloogia õppekavalAkvapoonika on võimalus saada ühe sisendi lisam...
As the aquaculture sector significantly expanded worldwide in the past decades, the concept of susta...
ABSTRACT The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of using probiotic (Bacillus licheniformi...
Abstract. The world community associates the solution of the problem of food security with the devel...
Aquaculture is a multidisciplinary activity, more complex than agriculture due to the multidimension...
ABSTRACT Catfish is one type of freshwater fish that is quite popular with the people of Indo...
This study aims to determine the effect of adding probiotics to water quality, Bacillus sp populatio...
The use of chemotherapy in treating and enhancing the growth of fish has been widely criticized due ...