In August 1990 the Environmental Impact Assessment Law (EIA law: in Germany: Gesetz ueber die Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung [UVPG]) came into effect. Since then numerous approval procedures comprising environmental impact assessments (UVP; in the following: EIA) have been carried out in the field of waste disposal. In September 1995 the administrative regulations for implementation of the EIA law came into effect (in Germany: UVPVwV; Verwaltungsvorschriften zur Gesetzesausfuehrung). Against this background the research project on hand is asked to give a differentiated image of the implementation of EIA regulations and the experiences of the registration authorities in EIA requiring procedures during the planning of waste disposal sites. B...
Following Article 6 of the German Waste Management Act the more environmental compatible method of r...
The fundamental legal changes in the field of environment protection in the new Laender brought abou...
Das Gesetzgebungsverfahren zum Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz-KrW-/AbfG wird dokumentiert. D...
For the implementation of an equal and high level of waste disposal 1990 the administrative regulati...
Die gegenwärtige Lage der Abfallwirtschaft in Deutschland ist durch die erforderliche Umsetzung stre...
Der Anwendungsbereich der TA Abfall umfasst die zentralen Vorschriften des Abfallrechts, insbesonder...
In the course of the past 50 years, the environmental load has taken alarming proportions. Since nat...
The main improvements are discussed which can be made in the preparation and actual peformance of th...
This book is devoted to theoretical development of assumptions for a model of the waste management l...
Altdeponien sind aufgrund ihrer Inhaltsstoffe, die potenziell eine Grundwassergefährdung bedeuten un...
This volume is part of the final report on project NO. 102 06 2212 'Development and testing of evalu...
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit den Moeglichkeiten kumulative Umweltwirkungsformen in s...
On the basis of a comprehensive inventory including a forecast of waste streams to be expected in th...
The implementation of environmentally friendly procurement is called for over and above the legal re...
German research projects in waste management and land regeneration are presented. Key issues are was...
Following Article 6 of the German Waste Management Act the more environmental compatible method of r...
The fundamental legal changes in the field of environment protection in the new Laender brought abou...
Das Gesetzgebungsverfahren zum Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz-KrW-/AbfG wird dokumentiert. D...
For the implementation of an equal and high level of waste disposal 1990 the administrative regulati...
Die gegenwärtige Lage der Abfallwirtschaft in Deutschland ist durch die erforderliche Umsetzung stre...
Der Anwendungsbereich der TA Abfall umfasst die zentralen Vorschriften des Abfallrechts, insbesonder...
In the course of the past 50 years, the environmental load has taken alarming proportions. Since nat...
The main improvements are discussed which can be made in the preparation and actual peformance of th...
This book is devoted to theoretical development of assumptions for a model of the waste management l...
Altdeponien sind aufgrund ihrer Inhaltsstoffe, die potenziell eine Grundwassergefährdung bedeuten un...
This volume is part of the final report on project NO. 102 06 2212 'Development and testing of evalu...
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit den Moeglichkeiten kumulative Umweltwirkungsformen in s...
On the basis of a comprehensive inventory including a forecast of waste streams to be expected in th...
The implementation of environmentally friendly procurement is called for over and above the legal re...
German research projects in waste management and land regeneration are presented. Key issues are was...
Following Article 6 of the German Waste Management Act the more environmental compatible method of r...
The fundamental legal changes in the field of environment protection in the new Laender brought abou...
Das Gesetzgebungsverfahren zum Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz-KrW-/AbfG wird dokumentiert. D...