In response to research demonstrating that Tennessee Extension agents desired a performance appraisal system that better reflected their jobs and provided for appraisers\u27 professional development, a committee of University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University personnel undertook a 2-year initiative to revise the performance appraisal system. The committee produced a performance appraisal form and a performance appraisal rubric delineating performance factors, criteria, and performance-level descriptions; a comprehensive appraisal guide; and case studies and training guides for Extension professionals to use in learning about effective performance appraisal. Extension professionals conducting similar efforts in other states may ben...
The majority of funding for Extension comes from local, state, and federal dollars; therefore the pr...
Evaluation of public service programming is becoming increasingly important with current funding rea...
We conducted a survey of 89 randomly selected New Zealand organizations with at least 300 employees ...
In response to research demonstrating that Tennessee Extension agents desired a performance appraisa...
This study aimed to describe extension agent perceptions of the Tennessee Extension Agent Performanc...
The research reported here describes Extension agent and county director perceptions of the roles an...
This document is a tool for evaluating the skills and abilities of county agents by supervisors. A r...
The purpose of this study was to determine Texas Extension agents’ and supervisors’ perceptions of t...
Appraising the performance of employees is a necessary and vital process in the management of organi...
In order to enhance Extension evaluation efforts it is important to understand current practices. Th...
Lincoln D. Kelsey and Cannon C. Hearne commence their book, Cooperative Extension Work, with the def...
Evaluation capacity building has been part of professional development in many Extension organizatio...
Abstract: Performance appraisal is the central instrument used for calibrating and monitoring employ...
The presented thesis will examine the area of Performance Appraisal Systems in a professional busine...
The purpose of this study was to determine Cooperative Extension educator perceptions regarding perf...
The majority of funding for Extension comes from local, state, and federal dollars; therefore the pr...
Evaluation of public service programming is becoming increasingly important with current funding rea...
We conducted a survey of 89 randomly selected New Zealand organizations with at least 300 employees ...
In response to research demonstrating that Tennessee Extension agents desired a performance appraisa...
This study aimed to describe extension agent perceptions of the Tennessee Extension Agent Performanc...
The research reported here describes Extension agent and county director perceptions of the roles an...
This document is a tool for evaluating the skills and abilities of county agents by supervisors. A r...
The purpose of this study was to determine Texas Extension agents’ and supervisors’ perceptions of t...
Appraising the performance of employees is a necessary and vital process in the management of organi...
In order to enhance Extension evaluation efforts it is important to understand current practices. Th...
Lincoln D. Kelsey and Cannon C. Hearne commence their book, Cooperative Extension Work, with the def...
Evaluation capacity building has been part of professional development in many Extension organizatio...
Abstract: Performance appraisal is the central instrument used for calibrating and monitoring employ...
The presented thesis will examine the area of Performance Appraisal Systems in a professional busine...
The purpose of this study was to determine Cooperative Extension educator perceptions regarding perf...
The majority of funding for Extension comes from local, state, and federal dollars; therefore the pr...
Evaluation of public service programming is becoming increasingly important with current funding rea...
We conducted a survey of 89 randomly selected New Zealand organizations with at least 300 employees ...