Modern Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) such as SystemVerilog or VHDL are, due to their sheer complexity, insufficient to transport designs through modern circuit design flows. Instead, each design automation tool lowers HDLs to its own Intermediate Representation (IR). These tools are monolithic and mostly proprietary, disagree in their implementation of HDLs, and while many redundant IRs exists, no IR today can be used through the entire circuit design flow. To solve this problem, we propose the LLHD multi-level IR. LLHD is designed as simple, unambiguous reference description of a digital circuit, yet fully captures existing HDLs. We show this with our reference compiler on designs as complex as full CPU cores. LLHD comes with lower...
The Functional Hardware Design Language can be used to create all parts of a digital design. It can ...
This paper describes, with examples, the use of advanced VHDL constructs that greatly enhance modeli...
Hardware Description Languages (HDL) are used today to describe circuits at all levels
Modern Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) such as SystemVerilog or VHDL are, due to their sheer c...
A set of new Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) with a higher level of expres-siveness has emerge...
Just as software designers use high level languages (HLL) to express the algorithms in terms of lang...
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) provide a way to textually represent physical elec-tronic syst...
This is the fourth version of the book and this version now not only providesVHDL language coverage ...
A guide to applying software design principles and coding practices to VHDL to improve the readabili...
Graduation date: 1984This paper corrects an apparent deficiency in the published\ud information conc...
With the advent of advanced CAD tools, people are now able to design multimillion gate chips. Genera...
Despite all the effort spent in testing, analyzing, and formally verifying software, a program is ul...
With the transistor density on an integrated circuit doubling every 18 months, Moore’s law seems lik...
Many engineers encountering VHDL (very high speed integrated circuits hardware description language)...
The hardware industry is currently beginning a trend towards a more productive hardware design flow....
The Functional Hardware Design Language can be used to create all parts of a digital design. It can ...
This paper describes, with examples, the use of advanced VHDL constructs that greatly enhance modeli...
Hardware Description Languages (HDL) are used today to describe circuits at all levels
Modern Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) such as SystemVerilog or VHDL are, due to their sheer c...
A set of new Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) with a higher level of expres-siveness has emerge...
Just as software designers use high level languages (HLL) to express the algorithms in terms of lang...
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) provide a way to textually represent physical elec-tronic syst...
This is the fourth version of the book and this version now not only providesVHDL language coverage ...
A guide to applying software design principles and coding practices to VHDL to improve the readabili...
Graduation date: 1984This paper corrects an apparent deficiency in the published\ud information conc...
With the advent of advanced CAD tools, people are now able to design multimillion gate chips. Genera...
Despite all the effort spent in testing, analyzing, and formally verifying software, a program is ul...
With the transistor density on an integrated circuit doubling every 18 months, Moore’s law seems lik...
Many engineers encountering VHDL (very high speed integrated circuits hardware description language)...
The hardware industry is currently beginning a trend towards a more productive hardware design flow....
The Functional Hardware Design Language can be used to create all parts of a digital design. It can ...
This paper describes, with examples, the use of advanced VHDL constructs that greatly enhance modeli...
Hardware Description Languages (HDL) are used today to describe circuits at all levels