A semiconductor with a high resistivity due to a deep trap is called a semi-insulator. A semi-insulator does not always behave like a normal insulator because of so-called bias voltage propagation, which arises from space charge in the deep trap. This effect is a factor in the operation of various devices based on semi-insulators. We investigate by numerical simulation its role in the transient photoresponse of a planar metal\ufffdsemiconductor\ufffdmetal photodetector. We simulate a realistic case where the active layer is InGaAs made semi-insulating by addition of Fe. The simulation uses a two-dimensional, drift/diffusion calculation with realistic conditions where the semi-insulating material is represented by a two-level compensation mo...
The partial illumination of a metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector (MSM-PD) was modeled using a o...
Abstract—Nonlinearity in p-i-n photodetectors leads to power generation at harmonics of the input fr...
Due to the excellent electrical transport properties and optoelectronic performance, thin indium sel...
Calculations by drift diffusion and Monte Carlo methods and experimental data on the transient respo...
When an undoped heterostructure layer is buried in a conventional GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal pho...
This dissertation presents results pertaining to the mathematical modeling of semiconductor photocon...
We use a two-dimensional, drift-diffusion calculation to illustrate the physics behind the recently ...
Electrical properties of semiconductor materials depend on their defect structure. Point defects, im...
We report on time-resolved photocurrent measurements in InGaAs/GaAs-quantum well p-i-n photodetector...
Different gain mechanisms are observed in metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors consisting ...
An observable e.m.f. exists in a semiconductor when a non-equilibrium carrier concentration is prese...
The dependence of the photocurrent, in a planar metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (MSM), on a...
In 1932 Hecht obtained his famous equation concerning the charge induced on the plates of a planar r...
We present a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the current response of GaAs met...
As symmetrical data characteristics I (V) of the Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) photodetector, we w...
The partial illumination of a metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector (MSM-PD) was modeled using a o...
Abstract—Nonlinearity in p-i-n photodetectors leads to power generation at harmonics of the input fr...
Due to the excellent electrical transport properties and optoelectronic performance, thin indium sel...
Calculations by drift diffusion and Monte Carlo methods and experimental data on the transient respo...
When an undoped heterostructure layer is buried in a conventional GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal pho...
This dissertation presents results pertaining to the mathematical modeling of semiconductor photocon...
We use a two-dimensional, drift-diffusion calculation to illustrate the physics behind the recently ...
Electrical properties of semiconductor materials depend on their defect structure. Point defects, im...
We report on time-resolved photocurrent measurements in InGaAs/GaAs-quantum well p-i-n photodetector...
Different gain mechanisms are observed in metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors consisting ...
An observable e.m.f. exists in a semiconductor when a non-equilibrium carrier concentration is prese...
The dependence of the photocurrent, in a planar metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (MSM), on a...
In 1932 Hecht obtained his famous equation concerning the charge induced on the plates of a planar r...
We present a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the current response of GaAs met...
As symmetrical data characteristics I (V) of the Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) photodetector, we w...
The partial illumination of a metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector (MSM-PD) was modeled using a o...
Abstract—Nonlinearity in p-i-n photodetectors leads to power generation at harmonics of the input fr...
Due to the excellent electrical transport properties and optoelectronic performance, thin indium sel...