This master’s thesis focuses on the consequences of competitive tendering on the Finnish bus companies’ local transport bus fleet reallocation process. Competitive tendering will change the bus fleet requirements in many Finnish tendering areas. Many bus operating companies need to invest in new buses. In addition, it is important to find suitable options for reallocating their bus fleet not suitable for the contracts awarded or if the contracts are awarded to another operator. The case company chosen for this research is Finland’s biggest bus transport company Koiviston Auto Corporation. It offers services as the biggest bus transport operator in several medium-sized cities in Finland. This study investigates different options for the ...
On 10 April 2017, the Finnish Government decided to open passenger rail transport to competition. Ac...
The constitution of ridership has been the focus of extensive transit research. Studies on the subje...
The purpose of the thesis was to analyze and develop relationship with key suppliers. Case company C...
Helsingin seudun kehyskuntien bussiliikenteen EU-lainsäädäntöön pohjautuvat siirtymäajan liikennöint...
The theme of this thesis was authority planning in public transport in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. ...
Public transportation is often organized and operated by separate organizations. The public authorit...
Julkisesti korvattujen taksikyytien merkitys Suomen taksimarkkinoille on suuri; julkisen sektorin ha...
The subject of this thesis is the problem factors diminishing the competitiveness of road transports...
Kaupungin sisäisen linja-autoliikenteen kilpailuttaminen on uusi asia sekä kaupungille että liikente...
Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana SOHJOA-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on testata automaattista liiken...
Our paper investigates the developments in the Norwegian bus industry following the ramp-up of compe...
Our paper investigates the developments in the Norwegian bus industry following the ramp-up of compe...
The public transport authority (PTA) in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) ...
Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sähköbussien käyttöönottoa pilottilinjoilla Turun seudulla. Diplomityö...
Helsingissä siirryttiin katujen ylläpidossa tilaaja-tuottajamalliin 2009. Tuottajaosapuolena toimii ...
On 10 April 2017, the Finnish Government decided to open passenger rail transport to competition. Ac...
The constitution of ridership has been the focus of extensive transit research. Studies on the subje...
The purpose of the thesis was to analyze and develop relationship with key suppliers. Case company C...
Helsingin seudun kehyskuntien bussiliikenteen EU-lainsäädäntöön pohjautuvat siirtymäajan liikennöint...
The theme of this thesis was authority planning in public transport in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. ...
Public transportation is often organized and operated by separate organizations. The public authorit...
Julkisesti korvattujen taksikyytien merkitys Suomen taksimarkkinoille on suuri; julkisen sektorin ha...
The subject of this thesis is the problem factors diminishing the competitiveness of road transports...
Kaupungin sisäisen linja-autoliikenteen kilpailuttaminen on uusi asia sekä kaupungille että liikente...
Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana SOHJOA-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on testata automaattista liiken...
Our paper investigates the developments in the Norwegian bus industry following the ramp-up of compe...
Our paper investigates the developments in the Norwegian bus industry following the ramp-up of compe...
The public transport authority (PTA) in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) ...
Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sähköbussien käyttöönottoa pilottilinjoilla Turun seudulla. Diplomityö...
Helsingissä siirryttiin katujen ylläpidossa tilaaja-tuottajamalliin 2009. Tuottajaosapuolena toimii ...
On 10 April 2017, the Finnish Government decided to open passenger rail transport to competition. Ac...
The constitution of ridership has been the focus of extensive transit research. Studies on the subje...
The purpose of the thesis was to analyze and develop relationship with key suppliers. Case company C...