Preliminary faunal surveys on the parasitic Hymenoptera visiting the flowers of carrot planted for seed production in the truck crop field were made in the suburbs of Fukuoka. Of 62 species in 13 families collected, ichneumonids and braconids were the most abundant groups, and chalcidids and pteromalids were also numerous. Most of these parasitic Hymenoptera were important natural enemies of truck crop pests, e.g., Apanteles glomeratus parasitic on the larva of the common white, Pieris rapae crucivora and Bracon onukil usually parasitic on the larva of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. It is suggested that the patches of carrot flowers scattered in the truck crop field play an important role as the source of food for the adults of so...
異角釉小蜂 [Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault)]、華釉小蜂 [Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)]、底比斯釉小蜂 [Chryson...
[Author abstract]Butterflies and moths visiting flowers of the glossy abelia, Abelia grandiflora REH...
為配合精準農業遙測分析之需求,進行地面實際之蟲害發生種類與數量消長調查,期能與遙測資料相呼應。除89 年度外,其餘年度之調查採樣點採均可定位之設計,每次調查結果皆以MS Excel 檔記錄,可供其他遙...
[Author abstract]The glossy abelia, Abelia grandiflora REHD., which was introduced into Japan in the...
Based on the analysis of long-term pathological monitoring the most noxious phytophages which are di...
Following the establish of a susceptible strain of beet armyworm (BAW, Spodoptera exigua) in Taiwan ...
本省植物病原線蟲經調查計有31 屬41 種寄生性線蟲為害本省經濟作物而其中導致本省作物連作障害的線蟲,首推根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. are...
The lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) (Kerriidae, Homoptera), is now considered as a serious pest of t...
スイゼンジナの害虫相を鹿児島市郡元の鹿児島大学構内の大型プランター植えと露地栽培および鹿児島市下田町の露地栽培において調査した.また, モンシロモドキの寄主植物を明らかにするために, スイゼンジナをは...
農学 昆虫世界の謎解きThe common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.), is one of the most destructive polyphagous pe...
In this paper, a new species of Anthocorid bug, Euspudaeus beneficus, and its nymphal stages were de...
近年, 京都市及び安城市で, ハウス栽培植物(ユリとキュウリ)の根部を食害するハエ幼虫による被害が問題になっている。両地で採集された標本を調査したところ, 本害虫はクロバネキノコバエ科の新種であったの...
The information on currant moth 9 harm (Incurvaria capitella CL.) has been adduced. The efficiency o...
異角釉小蜂 [Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault)]、華釉小蜂 [Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)]、底比斯釉小蜂 [Chryson...
[Author abstract]Butterflies and moths visiting flowers of the glossy abelia, Abelia grandiflora REH...
為配合精準農業遙測分析之需求,進行地面實際之蟲害發生種類與數量消長調查,期能與遙測資料相呼應。除89 年度外,其餘年度之調查採樣點採均可定位之設計,每次調查結果皆以MS Excel 檔記錄,可供其他遙...
[Author abstract]The glossy abelia, Abelia grandiflora REHD., which was introduced into Japan in the...
Based on the analysis of long-term pathological monitoring the most noxious phytophages which are di...
Following the establish of a susceptible strain of beet armyworm (BAW, Spodoptera exigua) in Taiwan ...
本省植物病原線蟲經調查計有31 屬41 種寄生性線蟲為害本省經濟作物而其中導致本省作物連作障害的線蟲,首推根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. are...
The lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) (Kerriidae, Homoptera), is now considered as a serious pest of t...
スイゼンジナの害虫相を鹿児島市郡元の鹿児島大学構内の大型プランター植えと露地栽培および鹿児島市下田町の露地栽培において調査した.また, モンシロモドキの寄主植物を明らかにするために, スイゼンジナをは...
農学 昆虫世界の謎解きThe common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.), is one of the most destructive polyphagous pe...
In this paper, a new species of Anthocorid bug, Euspudaeus beneficus, and its nymphal stages were de...
近年, 京都市及び安城市で, ハウス栽培植物(ユリとキュウリ)の根部を食害するハエ幼虫による被害が問題になっている。両地で採集された標本を調査したところ, 本害虫はクロバネキノコバエ科の新種であったの...
The information on currant moth 9 harm (Incurvaria capitella CL.) has been adduced. The efficiency o...
異角釉小蜂 [Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault)]、華釉小蜂 [Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)]、底比斯釉小蜂 [Chryson...
[Author abstract]Butterflies and moths visiting flowers of the glossy abelia, Abelia grandiflora REH...
為配合精準農業遙測分析之需求,進行地面實際之蟲害發生種類與數量消長調查,期能與遙測資料相呼應。除89 年度外,其餘年度之調查採樣點採均可定位之設計,每次調查結果皆以MS Excel 檔記錄,可供其他遙...