異角釉小蜂 [Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault)]、華釉小蜂 [Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)]、底比斯釉小蜂 [Chrysoncharis pentheus (Walker)] 及岡崎釉小蜂 [Closterocerus okazakii (Kamijo)] 為台灣地區斑潛蠅之本地種重要寄生蜂,此四種釉小蜂卵巢內成熟卵之形成與吸收型式均相似。以上各雌蜂僅供食蜂蜜,0 日齡時卵巢內之成熟卵數少,各僅0.5、4.5、0.0 及4.3 粒;1 日齡時成熟卵數均顯著增加;至2 或3 日齡時成熟卵數達最高且持續3 d,各為2.0–2.4、15.9–17.2、5.3–6.2 及8.7–9.9 粒;但至5 或7 日齡時成熟卵數即下降,直至25 日齡時,各為1.7–0.0、14.7–3.1、3.8–0.5 及7.1–0.8 粒。四種釉小蜂在25℃、供食蜂蜜下隔離寄主25 d,再遇寄主3 或5 d 後,其卵巢內雖有新成熟卵形成,但數量僅2.3–3.8 粒。顯示四種釉小蜂在無寄主時,雖均可以卵吸收方式保存生殖資源,以調節產卵時機,但此策略卻受限其產卵調節時限,並不十分有效。因此為增強此等釉小蜂對斑潛蠅之抑制效果,建議應維持環境之穩定性,如在田間供應釉小蜂蜜源以延長其壽命。 Four eulophid wasps, Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault), Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood), Chrysoncharis pentheus (Walker) and Closterocerus okazakii (Kamijo) are important nat...
[Author abstract]This paper studies the spring and fall communities of parasitoids attacking larvae ...
The black Parlatoria, Parlatoria zyiphus (Lucas) was the most difficult to control by insecticides o...
Insects' consortium Arctium tomentosum was investigated. Parasites' complex of phytophage Orellia tu...
岡崎釉小蜂 (Closterocerus okazakii (Kamijo)) 行單產雄性孤雌生殖 (arrhenotokous)、單員內寄生 (solitary endoparasitoid)。未交...
This is the report of my study on the preoviposition period, egg maturation and resorption of the ov...
室内実験によって, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava の交尾習性と産卵特性, 幼虫の寄主利用の行...
2002, 2003年に, 三重県および東京都, 埼玉県で, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava ...
Kışlamış (OW) ve F_1 nesline ait Trissolcus semistriatus Nees ve T. festivae Victorov (Hymenoptera: ...
The data on 29 Red Book species of wasps and bees inhabited the Karadag Nature Reserve and adjacent ...
Kışlamış (OW) ve ^$F_1^$ nesline ait Trissolcus semistriatus Nees ve T. festivae Victorov (Hymenopte...
本文報導木省產斜紋夜盜蟲(Spodoptera litura Fab., Noctuidae, Lepidoptera)之天敵。計有膜翅目天敵4科、8屬、10種。分別為Snellenius manil...
為害十字花科之蔬菜害蟲,種屬繁多,就鱗翅類而言,以粉蝶科(Pieridae)之Pieris,屬幼蟲最為常見。過去有綠點粉蝶Bferis canidia sordida Butler在臺灣平原地帶為害,...
雙條長葉蚤 (Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt) 屬於鞘翅目金花蟲科,單食於莧科雜草長梗滿天星 [Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart...
В статье дана морфологическая характеристика рода Sparasion Latreille, 1802, а также описаны 24 новы...
クロアリガタバチによく似たSclerodermus sp.による螫症例に遭遇した.この患者は74才になる男性で,夜間に本虫に全身を刺されて皮膚炎を起こした.このハチは患家の周囲に積み重ねてあった風呂た...
[Author abstract]This paper studies the spring and fall communities of parasitoids attacking larvae ...
The black Parlatoria, Parlatoria zyiphus (Lucas) was the most difficult to control by insecticides o...
Insects' consortium Arctium tomentosum was investigated. Parasites' complex of phytophage Orellia tu...
岡崎釉小蜂 (Closterocerus okazakii (Kamijo)) 行單產雄性孤雌生殖 (arrhenotokous)、單員內寄生 (solitary endoparasitoid)。未交...
This is the report of my study on the preoviposition period, egg maturation and resorption of the ov...
室内実験によって, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava の交尾習性と産卵特性, 幼虫の寄主利用の行...
2002, 2003年に, 三重県および東京都, 埼玉県で, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava ...
Kışlamış (OW) ve F_1 nesline ait Trissolcus semistriatus Nees ve T. festivae Victorov (Hymenoptera: ...
The data on 29 Red Book species of wasps and bees inhabited the Karadag Nature Reserve and adjacent ...
Kışlamış (OW) ve ^$F_1^$ nesline ait Trissolcus semistriatus Nees ve T. festivae Victorov (Hymenopte...
本文報導木省產斜紋夜盜蟲(Spodoptera litura Fab., Noctuidae, Lepidoptera)之天敵。計有膜翅目天敵4科、8屬、10種。分別為Snellenius manil...
為害十字花科之蔬菜害蟲,種屬繁多,就鱗翅類而言,以粉蝶科(Pieridae)之Pieris,屬幼蟲最為常見。過去有綠點粉蝶Bferis canidia sordida Butler在臺灣平原地帶為害,...
雙條長葉蚤 (Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt) 屬於鞘翅目金花蟲科,單食於莧科雜草長梗滿天星 [Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart...
В статье дана морфологическая характеристика рода Sparasion Latreille, 1802, а также описаны 24 новы...
クロアリガタバチによく似たSclerodermus sp.による螫症例に遭遇した.この患者は74才になる男性で,夜間に本虫に全身を刺されて皮膚炎を起こした.このハチは患家の周囲に積み重ねてあった風呂た...
[Author abstract]This paper studies the spring and fall communities of parasitoids attacking larvae ...
The black Parlatoria, Parlatoria zyiphus (Lucas) was the most difficult to control by insecticides o...
Insects' consortium Arctium tomentosum was investigated. Parasites' complex of phytophage Orellia tu...