( REPORT ft) FACULTY October 21, 196k* ACADEMIC PROGRAM: ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS, A- AGADBilC I-lATTtSRSi 1- Catalogue: 2- Revision of collateral and general requirements* 3- Mew majors: History? Business? Physics - Mathematics? h- Residence requirements • 5- Scholarships a- French Bacc* (65-69 percent 70£ above full tuition ): above full tuition ); ACG certificate 80-85 j 'e ‘ ■■ "rt. * b- AID Jordan and Iraq and African countries Unrwa would be Palestenians refugees from the Middle East • 6- Senior seminars• 7- M*A* in American Literature* 8- uu use of AUB entrance examinations. 9- Improve. ent of academic standards. a- teaching b- grading c- advising d- admission criteria B- Administrative matters: 1- Admissions procedures. a...