235* DIPLOMAS The Faculty of the College havirg recommended the - CRAFTED following persons as having completed their respec- tive courses, the Council approved their being given diplomas: Arts Course Abu Bekr Amin Amin Ibrahim Es Saiyid Ismail Sherrara Farid Ali Is Subky Xamil Mikhail Mohammad Abdullah Attar Mohammad Izzet Mohammad Mohenny Hassan Mohamnad Tewfik Younis Mahmoud Safwat government Course Emile Mi try Akl Hanna Fanous Hanna Hitiy Ibrahim Hashem Michael Hi cola Isfafil Nab ih Chub rial Othman Ibrahim Daabas Salah Ed Din Hafiz Awad (First Honors) Shafik Cindy Vahan Ishkanian (Second Honors) 236. DOIRLASS It was recommended that in view of the fact that ..SALAMY Mr* Douglass appears not to have been relieved from ADJUSTIENT Unive...