• • PRESEm: MEETING: MINUTES OF THE PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE MEETING THE AMERICA1\ UNIVERSITY 11\ CAIRO Miner D. Crary, Jr. (Chairman), C. Robert Devine, A. Lachlan Ree6. Also attending: Janet Desforges, James F. Pelowski. ~ednesday, Mav 21, 1986, 2:30 p.ffi., River Club, New York City. 1. The agenda was approved; Mr. Crary made a small change in thE: minutes, which were otherwisE: approved. 2. Mr. Crary started the meeting by referrinf to a "bequest" .:i.etter sent to thE: Trustees earlier in the year. he s~ated that about 5-6 responses had heen receive~ whic1-: were generally quite positive. He handed out to the cOffiffiittee cOF-ies of a draft of another .:i.etter which he ,,"as propc1sing be sent, along with the ne .. ' planned giving b...